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ORKHON ôr'kon, ôr-khon', river, c.300 mi (480 km) long, rising in the Khangai Mts., N central Republic of Mongolia, and flowing east, then north, past the site of ancient Karakorum, and then northeast to join the Selenga River just S of the Russian border. Vagyis Ork-hon folyó létezik Mongóliában, annak is a középső, északi részén. Rövid, mindössze 480 km hosszúságú folyó. Legnagyobb mellékfolyója a Tola folyó, amely Ulán-Bator (Urga) felett ered a Khentii hegységben (nem az angol Kentii!), s keresztülfolyik a Terelj nemzeti parkon. |
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Tola: Too-la Is a deep river In China; (Ezt sajnos nem találtam meg, de attól még létezhet!) Tula is a deep lake in Californi larra, or Na-ri, is In America, m Russia, and in India -- river names. (A lengyeleknél meg van Vistula - Bis Too La - Viz tula - Tola viz. A Visztula nagy kanyarulatában volt a Wielbark kultúra. Tola folyó pedig az orkoknál.) |
orchestra : 1606, "area in an ancient theater," from L. orchestra, from Gk. orkhestra, semicircular space where the chorus of dancers performed, with suffix -tra denoting place + orkheisthai "to dance," intens. of erkhesthai "to go, come," from PIE *ergh- "to set in motion, stir up, raise" (cf. Skt. rghayati "trembles, rages, raves," L. oriri "to rise"), from base *er-/*or- (cf. L. origo "a beginning;" Skt. rnoti "rises, moves," arnah "welling stream;" O.Pers. rasatiy "he comes;" Gk. ornynai "to rouse, start;" Goth. rinnan, O.E. irnan "to flow, run"). In ancient Rome, it referred to the place in the theater reserved for senators and other dignitaries. Meaning "group of musicians performing at a concert, opera, etc." first recorded 1720; "part of theater in front of the stage" is from 1768. Orchestrate "to compose or arrange (music) for an orchestra" is an 1880 back-formation of orchestration, which was borrowed 1864 from Fr. The fig. sense of orchestrate is attested from 1883. |
Keletron "The modern town of Kastoria is, indeed, situated on the saddle-back neck of a mountainous peninsula, which thrusts into the centre of the lake like a clenched fist. Access to the peninsula is possible only from the west, through a very narrow strip of earth, which Anna Komnene calls “Αυλωνα” and “τραχηλον”. On the limestone peak of Mount Koritsa, rising on the E side of the peninsula, there are few remains of the fortifications of ancient Keletron, the predecessor of Kastoria." [aulona; tráhelon] "Moutsopoulos [Esquisse (1968), 72, 75] believes that both Diocletianoupolis and Keletron (the predecessor of Kastoria) were destroyed by the Goths of Alaric in 395." "Apart from the fortification remains on the top of Mount Koritsa (mentioned above), the only other known vestiges of the pre-Diocletianic ancient Keletron include fragments of two doric columns and a votive inscription of the 2nd c. (all embedded today in the walls of the Koursoum mosque) and the vestiges of a wall near the post-Byzantine church of Ag. Georgios tou Vounou." ...it was only on Makedonian land, the todays nomos of Kastoria. Argos Orestikon is a village near Kastoria and the lake of Kastoria is till today called Orestiada . Ancient Kastoria is Keletron. Dispilio is a small village at the southern shore of the lake. It is located between Kastoria (7km away) and Argos Orestiko (4km ). A térképeket nézők figyeljenek fel rá, hogy a "tó" az az albánoknál is "lich", mint a Kaukázusban.! (A skótoknál ugye "loch".) Keletron: Hebrew. Meaning: A Teacher; King. |
Ókori település: GARSAURA (Garsabora), Cappadociae, i.q. Orchelais. GARSAURITIS, a prefecture of Cappadocia, SE of Tattaea lac., above Tyanitis.
Shield-boss of Germanic type from the burial of a Sarmatian prince, Herpály, Hungary. Silver. Third century AD. (University Texas) [Figyeljük meg a szkíta oroszlánokat!]
OrokaivaARTSAKH was the tenth province of Great Haik (Armenia). In the inscriptions of Urartu (IX-VI centuries BC) Artsakh is referred to as "Urtekhe", "Urtekhine". In the Hellenic-Roman Sources Artsakh is noted as "Orkhistene". In the north its borders stretch along the River Kura southwards through the River Yeraskh (Arax). The territory of Artsakh include part of Moukhank (Moughan) Valley in the east and the eastern shore of the Lake Sevan in the west. In the early medieval sources Artsakh was called Eastern Armenian side because it entirely encompassed the area adjoining the eastern borders of Great Haik. Artsakh was also known by the name of Siunik Minor.
Tölgy szavunk eredete: "(iš)al-la-an: oak tree/tölgy (Akk. loanword from allaanum, 'oak', cf., Orel & Stolbova #31 *'alan-/*'alun- 'tree'). " /Tisztára druid../ "ala, alan, alam, ál: image, statue; figure, appearance [ALAN archaic frequency: 51; concatenates 6 sign variants]." Csuvas szóból származtatják a dió, iráni kurdból a birs, alánból a kert, asz (Aszlár, Eszlár), asszony és gazda, oszétból a tölgy szavainkat.
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Pesti István 2008. május
Az orkok 2.rész