Afrika 6.
A tűz birodalma.
Afrika neve
Mint közismert, a mai Afrika régen Lybia névre hallgatott. Csak Kartago környékét nevezték Afrikának. Afrin means "fruitful creation" or "blessing" in Kurdish. Afroza is a Muslim name for girls meaning Quintessence of fire. Afroza means light from fire. Afroza a legend. Her name means morning star and she has always maintained that: “I want to shine, day and night!”
Ó, te mesebeli Afrika...
afire - TŰZön
c.1200, afure, from a- "on" (see a- (1)) + fire (q.v.).
The Twi term fra or afra also has the meaning: to become intermixed; co-mingled. This points to the fact that Ra and Rait, upon intermixing or comingling with matter/flesh become Afu Ra and Afu Rait. Afura, fura and afra are all related phonetically and conceptually. The Twi term fram also has the meaning: to be on fire, to burn, blaze; flame fire. This term fram, related to the name of the Obosom Afram (Afura) shows the connection to the life-force energy being transmitted through the Aten (Sun;solar fire).
Egyiptomi fórum
modern word Africa from the Aourigha Imazighen land owners of a region (Ifriqiyya) in modern Tunisia where the Poeni rented land to establish their city Qeret Hhadashat.
This tribe was the Aourigh. A land and its people often share the same or a similar name, hence we have: Aourigha => Afrika or Afarik => Afrika
the Romans received the name Africa from the Carthaginians who used it to designate their country. When the K*na`ani (Phoenicians) first arrived, the name they chose for the country reflected the fact that it was the land of the Aourigha/Afarika, the landholding autochthon presumably Amazigh (Berber) people.
The Aourighen are a clan of the Tuareg who in turn are a tribe of Imazighen (Berbers). Tunisia's majority ethny, living there when the K*na`ani founded Qeret Hhaddashat, were the Aourigha (as transcribed by Charles Tissot, and Avrigha or Afrigha by others).
Central Atlas Tamazight: "afus=hand/kéz"
Ha sokáig ragozzuk, akkor még "Au-riga" is lehet belőle.. Szemkirályság. De engem idegesít, ha mindig süketnek kell nézni egy népet.
the Greek and Roman words are not native to either language whereas Afrigha is from the Tamazight root, F-R-GH.
Itt meg a HOLD-at emlegetik! (görög) ..meg Fergana-t. hát a Holdból (A-fegari) csak nem jöttek?
Greek (Ελληνικά): φεγγάρι, mene, fe'gari.
There seems to be no connection between the Afrigha tribe, the generic Afer/Ater peoples, and the AE Af-rui-ka designation. Af-rui-ka points to places upriver but for places west of the Nile AE's used Amenti.
Ha "Af-ru-ka", akkor RW=OROSZLÁN, KA=FOLYÓ v. FÖLD de mi az Af ? ..és rokona Aph-rod-ité-nek?
Aphrodite (n.)
Gk. goddess of love and beauty; by the ancients, her name was derived from Gk.
aphros "foam/hab", from the story of her birth, but perhaps it is ult. from Phoenician Ashtaroth (Assyrian Ishtar). In 17c. Eng., pronounced to rhyme with night, right, etc.
Her festival is the Aphrodisiac which was celebrated in various centers of Greece and especially in Athens and Corinth.
Albán - a nap közelében
The most credible explanation for Greek Aphroditē is that Greek borrowed the word from the Albanian Afërditë. Here is why. Ancient Greek "ph" is a voiceless aspirated bilabial stop. Greek did not have an "f" until much later (which developed from ph) during the early AD years. Albanian by this time likely did, but since Greek did not, it approximated the nearest sound it had to "f" which is "ph". The two components of Albanian Afërditë are well-known, afër (near) + ditë (day). Napközeli.
Habokból született - Kronosz ivartalanította apját, Uranost, és a nemiszerveket a habokba dobta
In greek aphros(αφρος) =foam , dite(δυτη)= to emerge from. So she is "the one who emerged from foam".
Are we talking about the Tuareg tribe of Kel Aurigh and Aurighen. That clan name has nothing to do with the name Ifriqiyah, Afarik, Afar or Ifren which comes from the Kel Ifuraces and Iforas tribes of Tuareg.
Afrika eredete: Ifriqiyah ? De mi az "I" ?
When the Romans destroyed Carthago, they took a Carthagian as young slave. He seems to have been Berber. Therefore he was called "Afer", this means he was not Carthagian (Punicius), but from those people of the Ifri.
/next to: PREP afër , albán nyelven/
Most names of Tuareg tribes and Afro-Asiatic tribes are of Gods and Goddesses including and espeically their tribal chiefs such as Ifrikus. And yes Hafir, Haphir, Afir, Apher in the African Asiatic dialects means cave or mine.
The Tuareg like Beja and other African Asiatic people name their locales, Argh, Uruk, Arak, Warka, Arik, or Ark, Khar it is both a name which signifies a womb or place of the tribe, hence Ta Uragh Ta Warigh. Vagyis az újegyiptomi TA=FÖLD az tuareg szó is lenne egyben.
Leaders of the tribes were often called Arig, Arkammon, Khar, as in Kharkasan, Kharkhar chiefs of Nubia.
Az arab sütő - Büntetőtelepe az antoknak.
Standard usage for the expression “hot earth” would be “KahAfri” or “KahAfer”, but if you wish to say “heat of the earth” it would be “Afri kah” which is absolutely more plausible than the lame effort to make “Africa” derive from the Greek (a)phrike” (Αφρικ(ahf.ree.key)) – land without
The etymology of the name “Africa” is from the Ancient Egyptian expression “Afrikah” – the heat of the earth!
The legend that the Indian Zoroastrians invented the afrinagan (the metal urn in which a sacred fire today resides) Ezt a tűzőrzőt az Avesta szótár nem ismeri.
Nem sok esélyt látok arra, hogy az indoeurópai A-FIRE lenne AFRIKA névadója. Az egyiptomi amatőrök AOURIGHA (ókirályság?) sem tűnik nyerőnek, hiszen csak a mai Tunézia északi része (Kartago) volt Afrika az ókorban. Bár a RIGA/KIRÁLY szó Ugaritban ismert volt. Az AU-GUR meg Rómában..
Próbálják a tamazigh gyökből (f-r-gh) is eredeztetni AFRIKA nevét. Ez viszont nem zárható ki, akár csak FRÍGIA mósosulata. (I-friqiyah )
Kizárnám az AF-RU-KA (folyami oroszlán?) eredetet is. Oroszlán még csak-csak volt a vidéken, de folyó az kevés.. Persze, ha a vidéken KA nem FOLYÓ, hanem FÖLD/ TA, akkor RW-KA az lehet "Oroszlánföld", amelyből még RIKA, RIGA, REICH is válhat. Csak az AF...
Afrika passzolna APHRO-DITE istennő nevével való korreláció, de Afrika partjai sem HABosabbak, mint más vidék tudtommal.
Ésszerűnek tűnik az albán Afërditë /afër (near) + ditë (day)/, ha az albán nyelvben a DITE megfelel a Nap szavunknak is. Első látásra nagyon hihető a "hot earth" = "KahAfri", de Tunézia északi része Afrika egyik legkellemesebb darabja. Sokkal pokolibb tájak vannak ennél Afrikában.
Megvizsgálandó az afrinagan (=tűzimádók szent tűz tartója) is eredetként. Ehhez tudni kellene, hogy mennyire volt elterjedve a zoroasztrianus hit Afrikában?
Afrika, afrinaga kapcsán..
Az Aveszta (elterjedtebb, de pontatlan néven Zend-Aveszta) az i. e. I. évezredben keletkezett szent könyv, a zoroasztrizmus, más néven párszi vallás híveinek, Zarathusztra követőinek könyve, az iráni (perzsa) irodalom legrégebbi emléke.
Khorda Aveszta (Kis Aveszta)
khorshid; khur; mitra; mehr; aftab = sun = Nap (perzsa)
A mindennapos használatra összeállított imádságok könyve. Az Aveszta rövidebb változata, ami nem tartalmazza a Jasná, a Vendídád és a Visperád (a papok használatára fönntartott részek) szövegeit. Gyakran használt rövid imákból, a kisebb szövegekből (Nijajes, Gah, Sirozah, Afrinagan), valamint a Jast himuszaiból épül fel.
Zarathustra - nem aranyteve
The term "Afrinagan" has three different connotations. First, the Afrinagan is a multi-part ceremony of blessing. The term "Afrinagan" is also used to refer to the individual Afrinagan prayers of the Avesta. One or more of these prayers may be used in any particular Afrinagan service. Besides the Avestan
Afrinagan prayers, other prayers in Avestan and in Pazand are recited during the service. Finally, the term is used for the ceremonial vessel in which the sacred fire is tended.
Avesta: afrasånghå = prédikátor, instruktor. Az "afri, afar" szavakat nem találtam az avesta szótárban. Az "AFAR", mint gót szó, állítólag "v.mitől nyugatra" jelentésű.
Rajki András:
Arab: ‘afa = heal/gyógyít {Sem ‘-p-w, Hrs ‘afyet}; Ebből lehetne "Gyógyítók birodalma" Afrika.
Arab: ‘afar : dust/por {Sem ‘-p-r, Akk eperu, Heb ‘afar, Syr ‘afra, JNA ipra, Hrs ‘afor (cloud), Tig efer (dust), Uga ‘pr}
Mint emlékezünk, a "berber" is "por" jelentésű.
a multi-part ceremony of blessing; specific prayers in the Avesta which are recited during afrinagan ceremonies; a ceremonial vessel in which the sacred fire is tended. (Var: 'afringan, afargan').
Greek historians of the Parthian period reported the use of a metal vase-like urn to transport fire. Sassanid coins of the 3rd-4th century CE likewise reveal a fire in a vase-like container identical in design to the present-day afrinagans.
a Zoroastrian fire temple is dar be-mehr, romanized as darb-e mehr or dialectically slurred as dar-e mehr. The etymology of this term, meaning "Mithra's Gate" or "Mithra's Court" is problematic.
Na dvare - az ajtón túl:
The term darb-e mehr is also common in India, albeit with a slightly different meaning. Until the seventeenth century, the fire (now) at Udvada was the only continuously burning one on the Indian subcontinent.
However, according to the Greater Bundahishn, it was moved "upon the shining mountain of Kavarvand in the Kar district" (the rest of the passage is identical to the Indian edition). Darmesteter identified this Kar as Kariyan in Pars (Persia proper), "celebrated for its sacred fire which has been transported there from Khvarazm as reported by Masudi."
This sanctuary always had a square ground plan with a pillar in each corner that then supported the dome (the gombad). the innermost sanctum (in Zoroastrian terminology, the atashgah, literally "place of the fire") in which the actual fire-altar stands. Each Gahambar is celebrated over five days. The first four days are devoted to prayers and liturgical services, beginning with the Benediction Ceremony, the Afrin, (Afrinagan, Afrinameh), prayer in love and praise and remembrance of our ancestors.
In one corner hangs a bell, which is rung five times a day at the boi—literally, "{good} scent"—ceremony, which marks the beginning of each "gah", or "watch." Viszont így az a-tash-gah A tűz őre?
Sassanid coins of the third-fouth century C.E. likewise reveal a fire in a vase-like container identical in design to the present-day afrinagans.
Afrika etimológia - wapedia
lásd: maghara, kar...
The Berber word "ifri" means "cave" and is thought to have referred to the numerous cave dwellers (or cavemen) of the time. These North African folk were called Garamantes in Greek, although the name they bore for themselves remains unknown.
the Afri, a tribe—possibly Berber—who dwelt in North Africa in the Carthage area;
A legkézenfekvőbb etimológia. Innét már csak az AFRI nép néveredete hiányzik.
Libya was also the name of the Goddess known to the Greeks as the Goddess Libya, and also of the whole continent before the Romans named it Africa after the Berber Goddess Afri.
Tehenu lakóinak fején olyan "szarvak" vannak, mint Gaya koronáján.


Szanszkrit sarok edge ME. egge OE. edg (infl. edge) = DU. egge, OSAX. eggia, ON. egg, OHG. ecka G. ecke. Cogn. with LAT. acies 'point', GR. x/'cj cp. SKR. afri 'corner', GR. uxpoq 'pointed', LITH. aszru-s 'sharp': Aryan \^ak.
caetra is a small Spanish shield. The word occurs in Virgil and Servius comments that it is used by the Afri et Hispani. Isidore changes this to Afri et Mauri. Like caelia the word is not Latin but has reflexes in Spanish and Portuguese as cetra.
Idegen tollakkal
Tanit is hard to pin down in any fashion. Unfortunately, Leick's Dictionary does not mention her. Most of the references I found by googling identify her with the Phoenician goddess Astarte, with some syncretism from a North African Berber goddess. It is interesting that the city of Tangier (Tanga in Arabic & Berber), in Morocco, was originally a Carthaginian colony, and its name may be derived from that of a Berber goddess (Tinjis or Tinga). It's also interesting that Baal-Hammon also may have been syncretized with a ram deity worshipped by the Berbers; near Carthage there was a sanctuary of Baal-Qarnaim, "Two-horned Baal"
Azért a TANGER-t tán mégse kéne keverni Tanit holdistennővel..
Melkarth (Melqart) = Herakles
Emlékeztetőül - Kartago
Az I-frigia állítólag az A-frigia többes száma berber nyelven.
*Each year the Desert Music Festival is held at Essouk.
In the reign of Ramses II (19. dynasty, 13. century BC) the name of Libou or Libyans first appears. (Tengeri népek.)
Feketék - fehérek
"Szarvas" kép: Scene from the tomb of Seti I, Dynasty XIX.
The Ancient Egyptians called the land and the people west of the Nile Valley the Tehenu, whom appear to have been a numerous group, as attested by Egyptian references, such as "the countries of the Tehenu" and "the chiefs of the Tehenu".
Azzemour: Karikon Teichos. The real name of this colony may have been Kir Chares, 'Castle of the Sun'. (Mai magyarral "Körök ura" lehetne.)
Ó-frígia - angol nyelven
Halvány gyanúm szerint az antok Mauritania felől érkezhettek, egyre keletebbre húzódva, majd Kisázsia felé fordulhattak. Szemben az eddig tanultakkal, mintha Fönícia nyugatról érkezett volna, s nem Fönícia ment nyugatra.
Laobosa - kínai utazó nyugaton (angol nyelvű)
The Afar Danakil are the sister culture of the ancient Ta-Seti people. Whereas the Ta-Seti culture were amongst the founding branches of the eastern Bejaw ... Afrika régi neve (Libya) jó eséllyel "Libah=Oroszlánföld". Afrika szarva, a mai Danakil (Dankália) pedig a "daŋkà=sólyom" után kaphatta nevét. Valaha Avaris (A város?) környékén sok köpködő kobra - avör - volt. A berber (börbör) pedig porból lett és porrá lesz. ("börbör=por"). S akit megáldottak (ɸàlðu 'to change'), az kanuri nyelven megváltozott.
Nr......Afaraf................... English
....Tiino.... Magga........ Singular.... Plural
1... Qari.... Qarwa........ House....... Houses
2... Kuta.... Kuuta........ Dog......... Dogs
3... Iba..... Ibitte....... Foot........ Feet
4... Danana.. Danoona...... Donkey...... Donkeys
5... Intí.... Intiita...... Eye......... Eyes
Mint látjuk, a KUTYA szavunk megtalálható Afrikában és a HinduKush környékén. Keletebbre már csak KU, KURI van az EB-re.
Among them are the See also: LION (Lat, leo, leonis; Gr. Mew) lion (Somali name libah)
recent origin are the ruins known as Galla graves (Taalla Galla) . These are cairns of piled stones, each stone about the size of a man's head . The cairns are from 12 to 15 ft. high and about 8 yds. in (from the Cr. &a, through, µErpov, measure) diameter . Each is circular with a central depression.
Korai magyarok :)
the cave site of Ifri n’Ammar, about 50km south (i.e., away from the coast) of Nador, indicating that the Moroccan-German team that has been working there for the past seven years has identified Aterian levels dating to about 175,000 BP.
Banu Ifran
Ifran is a plural for Afar, Efri or Ifri; it is probably derived from the last of these, which means "cave" in Berber. maybe...
Mintha " Ifri n’Ammar, Ifri-el- Baroud" nem Africa területén lenne, hanem a Rif hegység felett.
Összeomlott barlangrendszer
Etimológia ismét
"Afri" was associated with the Phoenician afar "dust" and was used as the name for the society of people living near Carthage (an ancient city near Tunis) in northern Africa.
The Berber word "ifri" means "cave" and is thought to have referred to the numerous cave dwellers (or cavemen) of the time. These North African folk were called Garamantes in Greek
The Arabians of that time converted this name to “Ifriqiya” in Latin.
Frigg O.E., only in frigedæg "Friday." In Gmc.
religion, wife of Odin, goddess of heaven and married love, from O.N., lit. noun use of the fem. adj. meaning "beloved, loving, wife," from P.Gmc. *frijaz "noble, dear, beloved" (from the root of O.E. freogan "to love;" ult. from the root of free (adj.)). Also cf. Freya.
O.E. frigedæg "Frigga's day," (see Frigg), Gmc. goddess of married love, a W.Gmc. translation of L. dies Veneris, "day of (the planet) Venus," which itself translated Gk. Aphrodites hemera. Cf. O.N. frijadagr, O.Fris. frigendei, M.Du. vridach, Du. vrijdag, Ger. Freitag "Friday," and the L.-derived cognates O.Fr. vendresdi, Fr.
vendredi, Sp. viernes. In the Gmc. pantheon, Freya (q.v.) corresponds more closely in character to Venus than Frigg does, and some early Icelandic writers
used Freyjudagr for "Friday."
frig "to move about restlessly,"
Akkor az Afrig meg a "letelepedett"?
Voltak "amazonok", akik kétneműek voltak, így le sem kellett vágniuk az íjazáshoz nagy, nőies mellüket. Hermafroditák. Maradványuk még megtalálható napjainkban is Kisázsiában.
Wiki, ami nem gyors
A bemélyedés az Upemba-tavat valamint ötven más tavat vesz körül, köztük 22 viszonylag nagyobb méretűt, területe mocsaras. Területe 6256 km2. Az Upemba-medence az i.e. 5. század óta csaknem folyamatosan lakott. Ezt a helyet tekintik Közép-Afrika egyik fontos etnikai csoportja, a Luba királyság
(1585-1889) bölcsőjének.
Szilasi Ildikó: Ph.D Kulturális Antropológia, Pécsi Tudományegyetem, (2007- jelenleg is) Boszorkányság a luba törzsben. 2005
Középszudáni népek
Az itt élő népeket az iszlám egységes néppé kovácsolta össze. A következő népek élnek itt:
kanuri - az egykori Bornu lakói ma Nigéria északkkeleti részén élnek.
kanembu - a kanuri és a daza nép összeolvadásából jött létre.
kundzsári-dadjo törzsek összeolvadásából jött létre az egységes fur nép
bagirmi: a szó jelentése 100 tehén, ugyanis a leigázott törzsektõl ennyi tehenet kértek hadisarcként.
tibbu: fő közponjuk még ma is a Tibeszti hegység, nevük jelentése: a sziklák lakói. Északon a tedda törzs, délen pedig a daza törzs él.
alárendelt vagy független törzsek: makari, mandara - erről hegységet is neveztek el, karebina, manga, margi, gamergu
Bantuk Zaire-ben: mongo, huba, luba, lunda, csokve, bemba (Magyar vonatkozás: Magyar László Afrikakutató is erre járt.)
Kongolo király alapította a Luba Birodalom 1585 során Upemba depresszió. The Kingdom saw rapid expansion, encompassing the upper left bank territories of the Lualaba River; this was achieved under the reign of Kalala Ilunga, King Kongolo's successor and nephew. Királyság látott gyors terjedését, amely magában foglalja a felső bal partján területén a Lualaba folyó
The ntadi, which means guardian, adorned the graves of important people, such as chiefs. These chiefly images may have been kept in special huts to represent the chief while he was traveling or fighting enemies. The of the figures sit on thrones that, in real life, would have held relics and insignia of earlier rulers.
Lunda kingdom comes under Luba influence; legendary founders of Lunda include Kinguri, Chinyama, and Mwaant Yaav
Luba may refer to:
*Slavic names which means "someone who has love"
*Luba, Equatorial Guinea
*Luba, Abra a municipality in the Philippines
*Ľubá a village and municipality in the Nitra region of south-west Slovakia
*Luba people an ethnic group in Central Africa, mostly in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo
*Luba Empire a pre-colonial Central African empire
*Tshiluba language
A luba nép bantu nyelvcsaládba tartozó és Közép-Afrikából érkezett Katanga tartomány Kasai és Maniema területére. Nyelvük a "luba-kasai", a "luba-katanga" és a "swahili".
When uruhia (under the inspiration of the spirit), the priest was always considered as sacred as the god, and was called, during this period, atua, god, though at other times only denominated taura or priest.”
According to the early Portuguese historian, Dos Santos, the Zimbas, or Muzimbas, a people of South-eastern Africa, “do not adore idols or recognize any god, but instead they venerate and honour their king, whom they regard as a divinity
From the moment that the crescent moon appeared faintly in the sky, the king and all his subjects were at the command of the divine man, or Lubare (god), as he was called, who reigned supreme not only in matters of faith and ritual, but also in questions of war and state policy. He was consulted as an oracle; by his word he could inflict or heal sickness, withhold rain, and cause famine. Large presents were made him when his advice was sought. The chief of Urua...
Libya neve - egy opponens
The name Libya is often written in various forms including Lybia, Libia, Libye and Lebya. There are several theories attempting to explain the origin of the name, but it is almost certain that it comes from the ancient Berber tribe known to the ancient Egyptians as Rebu or Ribu; from which the Greeks derived "Libya", and which the Arabs of today's Egypt know as Lubia, whence Lubians, in line with their relatives and neighbours the Nubians. The name Libia, as found in the archaeological site of Qasr Libya or Qaser Libia, in Cyrenaica, is widely thought to have been derived from the ancient Libyan village of Olbia.
Nehéz elképzelni, hogy Afrika (mai) egy kis törzséről nevezték el a görögök az egész kontinenst. (Ribu).
In the Bible the Libyans appeared as the Lubim, where the -m denotes the plural form. Ez görög többes szám?
The actual name Libya, as a modern country, came into effect for the first time around 1934 when the provinces of Tripolitania and Cyrenaica were united as Libya during the Italian occupation
Libya is the home of a rich mythology concerning the Libyan Amazon women warriors.
These areas were inhabited by various Libyan tribes including the Temehu, the Tehenu, the Ribu, and the Meshwesh. When Greek and Roman historians arrived in Libya and Egypt, the name Ribu became Libu, whence present day “Libya”, and the name Meshwesh became Masuch (Herodotus), Maksiz (Ptolemy) and Mazic (Latin inscriptions), whence present day Tamazight, and thus Imazighen: the indigenous inhabitants of North Africa as a whole. The Palermo stone, the oldest document in the world, further illustrates the antiquity of the Libyans in Lower Egypt by listing a succession of Libyan pre-Dynastic kings and queens from Lower Egypt, long before the menace of Menes.
A berber oroszlán egész Észak-Afrikát belakta. Hihetőbbnek tartanám, hogy a kontinenst róluk nevezték el, mint egy kis népről, amelyikről különösebben nem szól a fáma.
Libanon neve
The name Lebanon comes from the root (lbn 1074), which yields a range of words that have to do with white or whiteness.
laban, white, a word which is often used to indicate leprosy. Some other derivatives: the verb (laben 1074b), be white; (lebanah 1074c), moon (a name derived from another word for moon is Jerah.);
Etymology: from lubnân, Arabic name of the Lebanon Mount, meaning "the white mountain"
Heb. labi "lion," pl. lebaim; Egyptian labai, lawai "lioness"
The Hebrew name for Lebanon in the Old Testament is “Levanon”, and the Greek name is “Libanos”. Levana (leh-vahn-ah) Hebrew/Israeli moon. Mudnés: lòna=moon. A Földközi tenger keleti partján az ion nép telepedett le. ÉGEI tenger: Ay-Gaia ? Holdföldek az archipelagos? Viszont a szótárakat nézve, a legtöbb nyelven az oroszlán az LEV ill. a LEO változata.
white = lavan לָבָן
..még egy szótár
Armenian: white: spitak
Greek: white: leukós
Arab: White أبيض AdyaD
Mint látjuk, a környező görög, arab, armen nyelvekben a FEHÉR nem is hasonlít Libanon nevére. Egyedül a héber LAVAN hasonlít rá. /il re di lavan = görög király, olaszul/. Vajon csak az ionok voltak fehérek a tájon? Az "oroszlánok" már jobban passzol. Lebaim (Heb.), Labai (Egypt plural?). Viszont a LEBANAH = MOON/Hold esetében erőlködés nélkül...
- afrikai isten
Lubare of the Wagogo is lord of heaven and of earth, and gives or withholds rain according as men conduct themselves towards it. When councillors were questioned by Mackay regarding the nature of the Lubare, or Makusa who dwelt in the Lubare, they replied that the Lubare is a bull—this because the Lubare represents the principle of universal life. Again, the Lubare was described as a wandering spirit
I replied that the lubare was not merely a doctor, but was looked up to by all as wizard, and as being able to heal people by enchantment.
Afrika északibb vidékén a BUDO volt a witchdoctor.
Ancient group of tribes that inhabited the Sherizor Plain in the Zagros Mountains of Western Iran. A warlike people they were especially active during the reign of the Akkadian King Naram-Sin (reigned circa 2291-2254 BC) during the Dynasty of Akkad (2371 - 2191 BC). The Lullubi were apparently
subjugated by Naram-Sin who commemorated his triumph on a masterpiece of Mesopotamian sculpture called the Kurdok
While many hypotheses have been advanced to connect the ethnic name 'Kurd' to that of the ancient Hurrian Qutils (Hallo, 1971) or the Khardukhoi (Carduchoi) of the Greek historian Xenophon (Cawkell, 1979), none have much merit. Whatever the roots, there is evidence to push the origin of the word 'Kurd' back at least to the early4th millennium BC, if not earlier. Even though I have not personally seen the term used by the old Mesopotamian sources, I was assured by my colleague Piotr Steinkeller, professor of Akkadian and Sumerian languages at Harvard University, of the accuracy of reports of such usage dating back 3800 years. The Akkadian term 'Kurtei' denoted an indeterminate portion or groups of inhabitants of the Zagros (and eastern Taurus) mountains. On the other hand, to their end in the 6th century BC, the Babylonians loosely (and apparently pejoratively) referred to almost everyone who lived in the Zagros-Taurus system a "Qutil," including the Medes! But Babylonian records also attest to many more specific subdivisional names such as the Mardi, Lullubi, Kardaka and
Qardu, the last two of which have all been used frequently in the needless controversy over the roots and antiquity of the ethnic term 'Kurd' and the question of the presence of a general ethnic designator.
Although "Lullubum" (or "Lullubi") sounds like an African term, the peoples lived in Assyria. As the African tribe of Luluyia was also called, "Luyia," the latter lost its "Lu." When taking the "Lu" from Wikipedia's term, "lulahi," we are left with "lahi" (as the root of "Leleg"), which is identical to the more-common alternative of the African tribe, "Luhya."
The Leleges were allied to the Caucones, which smacks with my trace (see Obama Stock) of the Kikons (of Thrace) to the neighbors of the Luhya, the Kikuyu tribe. I am convinced that these similarities are not coincidental, even as the pagan god of both the Luo and Luhya tribes was (and still is), Nyasaye, similar enough to "Nysa" to be a match.
Az ószövetségi írások még Afrikát LUBIM-nak említik. Ahol a suffix (-im) a többes szám. Szótő LUB. "Sumeres" prefix a LU. (LU.LUB-im). A lullubi nyelvet sem beszélem, de a környéken LABI=OROSZLÁN (héber) és LABBU=OROSZLÁN (akkád). Az igazsághoz tartozik, hogy láttam már a lullubi-t "alien"-ként is
Lubim - nem a szláv "szeretlek"
Upon the Egyptian monuments we find representations of a people called Rebu or Lebu, who correspond to the Lubim, and who may be placed on the African coast to the westward of Egypt, perhaps extending far beyond the Cyrenaica.
Itt Tehenu népét nevezik Rebu, Lebu szóval, s megfeleltetik a bibliai Lubim szóval.
Lubim was a racial name of unclear meaning apparently applied to all white North Africans, especially the occupants of Libya. (A mai Líbia területén éltek az a-mazon-ok is egyszer.)
According to the biblical story Shishak captured Jerusalem. Így lett Juda földjének oroszlánja is. (sisak=Tocharian A śiśäk śanwem(=n) "lion-jaws"). Tocharian A tsem(=n) yokāñ aśäm(=n) "blue eyes". s'is'kiss - a lion (
mañ, meñe - a month (IE *men-es- - moon, a month); táp- - to eat (Latin daps 'cult meal'); Tocharian A çiçäk and Tocharian B šečake 'lion'
Sisak - parasztufók
Enquiring about this, I paid attention to the reverse Hebrew word LBB, meaning 'heart', pronounced levav, and noticed it was close to Russian lvev, 'lion'. The winged lion is a representation of Marduk, and the 'lion' led me to the Tokharian form sisak, quite close to the code SSK for BBL.
Érdekességnek: Sárkányok - hosszú nyakkal
XI. Sanskrit - nāga "dragon "= Tocharian B nāk "dragon "
Old Turkic /Uigur nek or luo/long (<Chinese) "dragon "
Written Mongolian luu (<Chinese) "dragon "
Manchu muduri "dragon "
A strabo szónak semmi köze a strava szóhoz, amely a legyőzött ellenség halomba rakott fegyverzete volt régies szóval.
Sintra is one of the most interesting places in the world, for it history, and archeologie. It all begins same thousand years ago. You can have
references about it, since the "Itenerários" from Plínio , Strabos, Pompónio Mela or iven from Strabăo.
Sintra during many centuries was known as "Monte da Lua", Moon Mount, where the most ancient culture manifestation take place.
Afrikai lánok
Zulu means Sky in Kikongo and the Zulu tribe in South Africa also means sky or Heaven.
Ez se maradjon ki: Ait Izdeg "afru= repül".
Anyu, az isten
the deities are Bantu deities from Imani (Imn), Itan-go (Itn), Wsir (Ashil, muJil, Wa-shil, etc.). The first inhabitants were called Anu. This is an ancient variant of Bantu. Bantu can be rendered Atho, Vanhu, Anhu, Anu, Ani, Bantu, Muntu, Ontu, Acho, Batu, Banu, Banhu, Adu,Ato, Wadu, etc. You still find Anu in Central Africa. You still find Anu among the Wolof (who some linguists will argue the language is essentially Bantu).
The Bantu STILL HAVE PHARAOHS. They are Mfimu or Fari. They still have "horus kings" (which is a misnomer). The proper way to say Heru is one of two ways: Cheru and Kulu. This was later palatized into Zulu whose totem are Hawks. In Amarigna/Tigrigna it is CHERU for the hawk. Pharaoh (pr-aa) as Diop has demonstrated is FARI, FARA. It is also PORA, BERI, BERO in many other related languages. The kings are still called FARI in Central and East Africa.
Bantu and that is WA-NTU. In the dictionaries they have the word spelled as UNTU (people, citizens, folk, etc.).
The Bantu mummify their dead in Central Kongo. They STILL practice the opening of the mouth ceremony. They STILL have a NGANGA priesthood which Egyptologists mistakenly pronounce ANKH.
A nép
Rmtw, Rmtw> ……… TuRum(e,a,i); (sing.: Ka-Rume)
Kongo, a dombvidék
is cognate with Efik-Ibibio utin “sun” and Yoruba tàn “to light up, to spread rays.” The name Akhenaten, the so-called heretic who worshipped Itn (Aten) of the 18th Dynasty, becomes the name Kantan-ga in ciLuba. The suffix -go is an alternation of -ko, -ka, -ga.
Among the BaLuba, Egypt is called CiKam < km.t, CiKam CiKulu-or-Bukama buKulu. Kulu is added because CiKam and Bukama are names of villages and cities in the Congo. ciKam ciKulu would be ancient Egyptian itself: It is the old km.t (kulu = old) with the ntr (ndele) determinative. Kulu deals with being exalted, mature, being a master, at the height or summit of one‟s experiences and talents. This is the meaning behind the Hrw symbol as this is really the word Kulu.
Ethnic names in the Mdu Ntr
Tutsi "the assembled gods"; "all of them (gods)"
Akan - the name of a god
Akaniu - a class of gods like Osiris
Fante - "he of the nose" - a name of Thoth - one of the 42 judges in the Hall of Osiris ("Shante" in modern Egyptian)
Hosa - a singing god
Paal - a Kushite god; a form of Ra
Mtau Ntr was the lingua franca of Kemet
Midas sirja "dogan-Lu"-ban.
The Dogon are believed to be of Egyptian decent and their astronomical lore goes back thousands of years to 3200 BC. According to their traditions, the star Sirius has a companion star which is invisible to the human eye.
The Egyptian Goddess Isis, who is sometimes depicted as a mermaid, is also linked with the star Sirius.
The Dogon stories explain that also. According to their oral traditions, a race people from the Sirius system called the Nommos visited Earth thousands of years ago. The Nommos were ugly
a dogonok ismereteiket tőlünk szerezték. Nevezetesen, adatok vannak csillagászati tárgyú kíváncsiságukra; tudunk egy Dogonföld táján járt 1893-as csillagászati expedícióról, melyet bennszülöttek alaposan kikérdeztek. Ez már minden fentebb említett ismeretet megmagyaráz, a Szíriusz B sűrűségét
kivéve, mely 1915-ben vált nálunk ismertté. Vagyis a magyarázathoz már csak azt kell feltennünk, hogy a Francia Nyugat-Afrika részét képező Dogonföldet 1915 és 1935 közt egyetlen csillagászatilag kompetens utazó megjárta; ilyenről én nem tudok, de ki mondhatná, hogy ilyen nem volt?" Vajh miért adták a csillagászati kutatócsoportok egymásnak a kilincset dogonföldön ? Mi vonzotta oda a csillagászokat ? Valóban csak egy napfogyatkozás látványáért utaztak Afrika közepébe ?
Lukács teljes
az 1893-as csillagászati expedició bizonyára nem csak a dogon földet érintette. Így a dogonok becsületére válik, hogy egyedül ők érdeklődtek behatóan az asztronomia iránt a bennszülöttek közül. Természetes, hogy főként a Szíriusz és vidéke érdekelte őket, hiszen szudáni (Kmt fennhatóság volt!) területről származtak, ahol a Sothis csillagnak kiemelkedő szerepe volt.
Noé idejében viszont Ethiopia még Nyugat-Afrika déli csücskén volt, Kushmin állammal. Az Atlanti Óceán déli része Ortellius térképén 1570-ben OCEANUS AETHIOPICUS-nak van feltüntetve. Az ETHIOPI nevet úgy látszik, a Kussiták vitték át magukkal Kelet-Afrikába, ahová – mint Sir Basil Davidson: The Lost Cities of Africa c. könyvében írja – kész kultúrával és fejlett írástudománnyal érkeztek.
Kultikus építmények
De az istenség és a halottak kultusza számára emelt alkotásokból még ezen ősrégi korszak is hagyott reánk emlékeket. Ilyenek az Ázsiában, Európában és Afrikában szétszórva található kelta emlékek (l. o.), a mesterséges halmok (tumulusok), a menhirek, a dolmenek (l. o.), a cromlechek (l. o.) stb. mind megannyi siremlék vagy kezdetleges áldozó hely. A Csöndes oceán szigetein - Ázsia és Amerika között - a kelta emlékekhez hasonló alkotások találhatók, mint p. a husvétszigetbéli megmunkálatlan kövekből összehordott piramisok stb. - A történelmi korszakok építészetét legegyszerübb az építészeti stilusok szerint követni.
Az amerikai ősnépek É.-e
Leginkább Közép-Amerikában, a mai Mexikóban hagyott hátra jelentékenyebb, bár a spanyolok által barbár módon szétdult emlékeket. Ezen emlékek a Mexikó birtokában egymást követő olmekek, toltekek és aztekek művei és stilusuk részben egyik a másikból keletkezik. Az olmekeknek voltak piramisalaku sirhalmaik földből, kiklopsz-müves falaik, vizvezetéseik és templomaik (a teokallik) kőből és téglából. A toltekek, kik Mexikót Kr. u. a VI. században hódították meg, már nagyobbszabásu építőművészeti tevékenységet fejtettek ki.
Hatsepszut a pettyes párduc õshazája az Etiópia melletti Dankália sivatag, melynek õshonos állatfaja, ezért sokkal régebbi jelképe az emberiségnek (néhány kozmikus évvel), mint maga az
Dankália ősi "kunhalmai" nem olyan nagyok, mint Szenegálé és főképp nincs olyan sok. Azért fura, hogy szinte semmi sem olvasható róluk a hálón.
Érdekességnek: - összeesküvés elmélet. Soros már bele se fér ?!
Fesd feketére! ..avagy a manchu nyelvek a világban. Vitte a szél.
Old Egyptian: km
Meaning: 'black' (pyr)
Coptic: *kame 'black'
Proto-Korean: *kǝ̄m-
Modern Korean: kǝ̄m-, k:ǝ̄m-, kām-, k:ām-
kumunk egyet!
Central Cushitic (Agaw): *kVm- 'be evening'
Afrika földje
The first letter of the word Mahidhara, is ma, meaning, the world.
mada LAND (1441x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian, unknown) wr.
ma-da; ma "land, country; earth, land" Akk. erşetu; mātu
Takács Gábor ma-
Mu`jam al-fuṣḥā fil-`āmmiyyah al-maghribiyyah معجم الفصحى
في العامية المغربية, Muhammad Hulwi,
Rabat: al-Madaris
Az órás
A linken nem csak a zsidó angyalológia 4 lovas angyaláról van szó, akik keletről érkeznek. Szó esik ott a "Nyilas-isten"-ről, amely hagyománya Apollóba olvadt, a Kition inscription kétfejű oroszlánjáról ('rwm), az äräba=sivatag, sztyeppe jelentésű héber szóról, hogy Zaphon valaha
"észak" jelentésű volt, Hadad pedig viharisten, de a Hadadezer nem volt hadvezér.
A Quirinal dombot az egyik legrégebbi szentély után nevezték el. Az összegyűlt római polgárok a "Quirites", de azonosították már a görög "kuréniosz" szóval is a quirinal-t. A római patrícius volt a curulis.
Ciprus oroszlánja
The second great series is that of Seven Pillar Inscriptions, six of which exist in six copies each, engraved on monolithic sandstone pillars erected at various localities in the home provinces....The number of distinct documents is perhaps 35. Some inscriptions are in Greek and Aramaic. Bilingual
inscriptions have been discovered on many pillars, making possible the decipherment of Brahmi and Kharosthi scripts...
Anxious to spread his message across India, Asoka sent embassies to the Near East. His edicts mention Antiochus II, Theos of Syria, Ptolemy II, Philadelphos of Egypt, Magas of Cyrene, Antigonos Gonatas of Macedonia, and Alexander of Epirus. His son Mahendra and daughter Samghamitra went to Ceylon, which has been a Buddhist country since.
Az első avar kor
Rohl - Régészeti csillagászat
Rohl a datálás megváltoztatásához használja az eddigi tudásunk szerint IV. Amenhotep (1353-1334) idejére tehető csillagászati eseményt, a napfogyatkozást, amelyről részletes leírás került elő Ugarit agyagtábláiról. Számításai szerint a napfogyatkozás BC 1012 május 9.-én volt látható Ugaritból. Kár, hogy eddigi történelem tudásunk szerint Ugaritot már a BC 12. században lerombolták.
Rohl szerint újra kellene gondolni az egyezményes egyiptomi kronológiát. Szerinte a Szíriusz exaltációjáról író Ebers papírusz, amely I. Amenhotep uralkodásának 9. évét említi (1542 vagy 1517), egyszerű transzliterációs hiba, s időszerű lenne tanulmányozni az egyiptomi naptárreformot. Szó esik még I.Osorkon sirjáról Tanis mellett valamint a 21. és 22. dinasztia egyidejűségéről.
New Chronology
Hunnivári ikertestvére
New times
When the Amalekite Hyksos invaded Egypt and set up their capital at Avaris, a succession of Egyptian inheritors of rule fled to Thebes, there to stay until the hated Hyksos left, although they continued to make minor attacks against their enemies at various times during the time of occupation. The 21st Dynasty (1069-945) was just one of these parallel dynasties, with one, the Tanite, ruling from Tanis in the Delta area of Lower Egypt, the Theban ruling from Thebes in Upper Egypt. Tanis was in the eastern delta, near Avaris, where the Israelites under Joseph had been...
Since the Amalekite-Hyksos rule at Avaris had ended in 1183 BCE, Ramesses III’s reign was 1184-1153, and the first Sea Peoples’ attack was in 1194, we have some discrepancies. Rohl says the 20th Dynasty (Conventional Chronology) began (1186) with King Setnakht and his son, Ramesses III, and that it was in the eighth year of Ramesses that the attempted invasion by the Sea Peoples was repulsed, i.e. 1186.
Car-ok és rendek...
A Saqqara környékén megismert Carian script alfabetikus írás, s a korai görög íráshoz hasonló. Jobbról balra írták. Megfejtett nyelvezete alapján indoeurópai, melynek rokona a Lycian és leszármazottja a Hittite-Luvian nyelvnek.
Homer records that Miletus (later an Ionian city) was a Carian city at the time of the Trojan War and that the Carians, of incomprehensible speech, joined the Trojans against the Achaeans under the leadership of Nastes, brother of Amphimachos
Carian ABC
Perzsa: teremt, alkot : âfarîdan
'afa:ra IV “he made (-hu it) to boil or estuate” Arabic
Valami ebben is van!
"Those observations may have had the Phoenician words AFAR, meaning "Dust" and RAYK, meaning "empty," tied to them in a synechdoche (description of a thing by one or more of its characteristics or traits; thus, the word AFAR-RAYK-A (perhaps a Latinized ending added later) or AFRICA. Afar=sand, soho.
Fórum - Harci mén
A ló (horse) az araboknál faras. A többes száma "afras".
If so, it means (El-Goad El-Moharb) or (El-Faras El-Moharb) or (El-Hosan El-Moharb)
The word El-Moharb means warrior, the three words (Goad, Faras, Hosan) have the same meaning which is(Horse) but the word Hosan usually used in the slang Arabic between the commons. The word Faras is widely used for fighter horses, or war horse.
The plural form would be (Giad, Afras, or Ahsena) which means horses and the plural of El-Moharb is El-Moharbeen
afrit = evil spirit. (Indonézia)
Nigeria, Yobe nyelv: Afa = sun. Afa-ri-ka.
Pesti István 2010 augusztus