Amerika 19
Apache: Name given to the Native Americans who call themselves the Ndee, also sometimes used of the Diné (The Navajo). The word “Apache” means “enemies”, and was given to them by the Zuni, a Pueblo group. It was adopted by Western settlers as the actual name of the Ndee, although it is a slur.
Utazás a koponyák körül
Hun koponyatorzítás A nagy tavaktól Patagóniáig.
Artificial deformation of the neonatal cranial vault is one form of permanent alteration of the body that has been performed by the human being from the beginning of history as a way of differentiating from others. These procedures have been observed on all continents, although it became widespread practice among the aborigines who lived in the Andean region of South America. It has been suggested that the expansion of this practice started with the Scythians from their original settlements in central Asia and spread toward the rest of Asia and Europe, and it is believed that Asiatic people carried this cultural custom to America when they arrived on the current coasts of Alaska after crossing the Strait of Behring.
A koponyatorzítás minden földrészen előfordul, de talán a dél-amerikai a legöregebb.
Migrating Huns
In the Migration Period of Europe (4th– 7th century AD) the practice of intentional cranial modification was common among several nomadic groups, but was strongly associated with the Huns from the Carpathian Basin in Hungary, where modified crania are abundant in archaeological sites. The frequency of modified crania increased substantially in the Mtskheta region of Georgia in this time period, but there are no records that Huns settled here.
The earliest examples of intentionally deformed skulls in the Americas were found in Peru and date to between 7000 and 6000 BCE. The practice put down deep roots in Peru, spreading throughout Andean communities and the rest of the continent from there. Excavations of ancient Peruvian remains have found that a vast majority of them—as many as 90 percent on some digs—have deformed skulls.
Vannak nem mesterségesen torzított koponyák is. Amikor az újszülött már nyújtott koponyával jön a világra. Ezt állapították meg az Atacama koponyáiról, de mai népeknél, mint a dél-amerikai Yanomami vagy az afrikai Mangbetu napjainkban is születnek nyújtott koponyájú gyermekek.
Maipuran: Campa biti "feather, hair". Tunica -puli "plummage, hair." Hokan: Jicaque ci "hair, root". Bengáli: While “baal” is the general Hindi/Urdu word for hair, in Bengali it is a profane word meaning pubic hair but is more so used as “sh*t”(including the exclamatory usage). The Bengali word for hair is “chul” or the more poetic “kesh” (from Sanskrit keśa).
Costanoan II. "uri=hair". horkos=throat. "sii=water". irek=stone. "čalla=I am warm". čalla. "toolon= full".
CHUMASH: "henek=woman". "nö=fire". Chumash II: "išana=sun,day". Chumash I: "ho=water".
[A priest] had banned a soldier from his church, for the soldier had entered it in order to collect his pawn, a lovely Indian youth, sixteen years old.
Symbols and Signs
Mussolini balliberálisai: "A bundle of five arrows represented one of the five founding tribes of the Iroquois League. One arrow could easily be broken, while a bundle of five arrows would remain strong. Crossed arrows were symbols of friendship. A broken arrow was a symbol of peace."
The Whirling Log symbol is not associated with the Swastika and pre-dates WWII. Long before its appearance in WWII, the Whirling Log symbol has been seen as a symbol of healing, protection, and well-being not only by the Navajo people, but also by inhabitants of ancient India, Tibet, and many cultures across Asia. The Whirling Log symbol comes from a Navajo folk tale and is considered to represent well-being and good luck.
Native American Moon Signs
Symbols of the Sun and Moon
The sun is a symbol of energy, life, empowerment, light, warmth, knowledge, and wisdom. The Chinese perceive the sun to be the ultimate Yang. The Moon is the counterpart that balances the sun. She represents cooling, calming, instinct, reflection, mystery, emotion, and the dream world. The Spring Equinox is an important moment at the pyramids of the Sun and Moon because on this day, the days are as long as the nights, therefore, the Sun and the Moon are equally balanced.
Nap, Hold
Ale-ut Tóth Alfréd was born in 1965 in St. Gallen (Switzerland), his native tongue is Hungarian. Received two PhD's (1989 Mathematics, University of Zurich; 1992 Philosophy, University of Stuttgart) and an MA (General and Comparative Linguistics, Finno-Ugristics and Romanistics, University of Zurich 1991).
Hungarian al- “underpart”
Proto-Altaic *ale “below, lower”
Proto-Uralic *ala “lower, to space something, sub”
Proto-Uralo-Siberian *al(a), il(a) “below”
Proto-Eskimo *macaR “sun”
Almost all of the 1317 Sumerian-Akkadian-Rhaetic etymologies of Hungarian also apply to the Eskimo-Aleut and Paleo-Siberian cognates. Moreover, it was possible to add a few dozens more Sumerian-Hungarian-Eskimo-Aleut etymologies, totally 1080.
Aztec name for the people who lived in the area of the Olmec heartland in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, some 2000 years after what we know as the Olmec culture died out. The term, which roughly translates as "those who live in the rubber land," refers to the practice of extracting latex from Castilla elastica, a rubber tree in the area.
The find of an Olmec hematite artifact, fitted with a sighting mark and fully operational as a compass, has led to the proposal that "the Olmec may have discovered and used the geomagnetic lodestone compass earlier than 1000 B.C.E.
Arawa: apani. Wanyam: pana. Chapacura: "pane=firewood". Bororo: "po=tree". Cahuapana: "pan = tree". Pakaasnovos: "pana=tree". [Finn "pu=fa"]
Alabama: pahni. Quiché, Kekchi: "palau=sea". Sära: "ida=water". Lule= "to = water".
Csikó (kölyök): Borrowed from Spanish chicozapote (through a regional abbreviation), from Nahuatl xicotzapotl. Cognate of chicle. Amerika délnyugati részén a "chico= édes kukorica", ami kiválóan alkalmas a csicsa (sör) készítésére.
A csikló pedig legtöbb nyelven kli-tor-is, bár az urduknál csak bazár.
Chico: (Adjective, Noun) "small;" (masc.) "boy," "child;" (fem.) "girl" 12th cent. "Csíki sör:-)" Asturian chico, Aragonese chicot, Catalan xic, French chiquet, Italian cica, Basque, cf. txiki "small," "few," from earlier tiki.
Csikhal A csuk- és sík- tőváltozatok összetartozását mutatja az a csukló szó is, melynek csikló, csikla és sikló változata is van, jelentése pedig: „az evező beakasztására való mély bevágás a csónak oldalában", az a hely tehát, mely az evező nyelének ide-oda-s i k l á s á r a van vájva..
Over 2,000 tolas have been identified in the highlands to the north of Quito. In addition thr cranial form of skulls found in burials in the Quito region is distinct from that foun in the tolas.
The complex has fifteen pyramids and several tombs (tolas) that belong the period 850 B.C. – 1.550 A.C. However, they built big monuments as flat topped pyramids used as ceremonial sites or astronomical observatories. They used to bury their dead people under artificial hills called “Tolas”. Érdekes, hogy a tolas és a tolos mennyire hasonlít egymásra. Pedig egyik az Andokban. a másik a görögöknél található. Akár a tomb és a (sír)domb
Parallel symbols
Amerikában, mint a bolygó számos pontján, megtaláljuk a piramisépítés szokását. Mint mondják, azért a hasonlóság, mert mindenütt rájöttek, hogy a gúla forma ad stabilitást a kötőanyag nélkül készült építménynek. Aztán az egészet rámpa segítségével építették évtizedeken át, amely rámpa szintén kötőanyag nélkül épült. Napjaink vasbeton tornyai méteres kilengést mutatnak nagy szélben. Most képzeljünk el egy 10 m széles, de 100 m magas rámpát - kötőanyag nélkül - amint lengedez a szélben.
Tollas kígyó
Ancient Mexicans and Egyptians who never met and lived centuries and thousands of miles apart both worshiped feathered-serpent deities, built pyramids and developed a 365-day calendar, a new exhibition shows. Billed as the world's largest temporary archeological showcase, Mexican archeologists have brought treasures from ancient Egypt to display alongside the great indigenous civilizations of Mexico for the first time.
"There are huge cultural parallels between ancient Egypt and Mexico in religion, astronomy, architecture and the arts. They deserve to be appreciated together," said exhibition organizer Gina Ulloa.
Marija Gimbutas mutatja, hogy a tollaskígyó szimbólum a Minoan-Micenian vallásban is felbukkan.
The Egyptian goddess Isis too was represented with wings, which she held outspread to protect her charge, the dead soul.
Both the bird and the snake were to the iconography of ancient Egypt. The snake was so important in Egypt that it became the symbol of Lower (that is, Northern) Egypt, in the form of the uraeus, the serpent which bites its tail and thus, in circular form, represents the
eternal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth; the vulture represented Upper, or Southern, Egypt.
Chile’s Name
Other theories say Chile may derive its name from the indigenous Mapuche word chilli, which may mean “where the land ends,” “the deepest point of the Earth,” or “sea gulls;” or from the Quechua chin, “cold”, or the Aymara tchili, meaning “snow.”
Csile keleti határát a Kordillerák hegyvonulatának gerince képezi. Ott, 6-7 km magasban bizonyára sok a hó és hideg lehet. De a lakosság a tengerpart közelében él, ahol se hó, se hideg nincs. Az óceán télen fűt, nyáron hűt. Csapadék pedig kevés, ezért az ország északi fele sivatag. Chile éghajlata. A legtöbb város (pl Chillán) a mediterrán részen található.Chillán The zone where Chillán was built was previously inhabited by indigenous people called Chiquillanes, in the local Indian language means "where the Sun is sitting". 100 km, s van hó is! At Nevados de Chillan you can find the amazing Chillan Hot Springs that are located 82 kms from Chillán City, towards the Andes. Chiloé chille 'small seagull' and -we 'place' Los Lagos archipelago, island. Pucon Bejárat. Pichilemu = little forest. Futaleufú = big river
Mapche nyelven kerestük a szó eredetét. At the time of Spanish arrival the Araucanian Mapuche inhabited the valleys between the Itata and Toltén rivers. Mapuche groups migrated eastward into the Andes and pampas, fusing and stablishing relationships with the Poya and Pehuenche.
A Kurili szigetektől távol: Latcham states that the etymology os pillguay is from püllü, "spirit". Faron gives the mapuche term for wake as kurikawin, "black party".
The name in Mapuche, from mapu ‘land’ + che ‘people’. The Mapuche language, Mapudungun, has been classified by some authorities as being related to the Penutian. The Mapuches are one of the native cultures of Chile and Argentina; they were called Araucans, too. In their language, Ailín (also spelled Aylín in some sources) means "very clear, transparent".
Kalku= witch. Kelluwun = to help. Pali = the ball used in palin. Pichiche = children (kis ember). Ruka = house.
Mapudungun, Mapuche nyelve.
number: animate (élő) nouns are pluralized with the preposed element pu: wentru (man) > pu wentru (men). Hasonlít a dakota többes számhoz.
Inanimate (élettelen) nouns are not usually marked for plural. Modifiers, and in particular adjectives, take the plural suffix -ke: füchake che (old people) = old-PL people.
Mapuche Numbers: one: kiñe. two: epu. three: küla. four: meli. five: kechu. six: kayu. seven: regle. eight: pura. nine: aylla. ten: mari.
A Renü was a Mapuche priest or Monk. It refers to Hawks of the sun are beneficent ancestral spirits. They intervene in the affairs of the living. The term Araucanian corresponds to the denomination given by the Spanish to indigenous people living in the Araucanian territory, in southern Chile, and is being utilized instead of the term Mapuche, which means “people of the land.”
“Radiocarbon and DNA Evidence for Pre-Columbian Introduction of Polynesian Chickens to Chile.” Chicken bones found at Arauco were dated between 1300 and 1400 after Christ. It is very likely that the Polynesians arrived in southern Chile before, around 1200, when there was expansion eastward. Some went to Rapa Nui, and others were ableto continue to the southeast, to the shores of the Mapuche territory.
Mint olvassuk, az inka birodalom is négy részre volt osztva, mint sok birodalom a bolygón. A négy királyság találkozási pontja Qosqo (cusco) városa volt.
However, the name of the plant was chilli in 16th-century transcriptions of Nahuatl, the indigenous language that gave Spanish the word. There are three spellings for this hot pepper from several varieties of the genus Capsicum: “chili,” “chile,” and “chilli.” ..és a paprika.
Late holocene
It has been proposed that the use of this place as a cemetery would function as a strtegy to legitimate access to certain resources of the area. This site, among other sites such as El Túmulo de Malacara, El Guanaco and Paso Alsina, shows the great variability in mortuary practices in the pampas during the Holocene. A lakosok halász-vadász életmódot folytattak, de termeltek maniókát, édes burgonyát, kukoricát és babot is.
Sechin Bajo, Peru: The Location of the Oldest Man-Made Structure of the New World?
This site is believed to have served as the capital of a pre-Incan culture, and was occupied roughly between 1800 and 1900 BC.
Pampa de las Salinas
that consistsof more than 20 archaeological sites, including trails, plazas and a massive mound called "Los Morteros" that consists of the remains of ancient buildings as well as fish and plants.
Ultimately, Los Morteros ceased to be used 5,000 years ago, "and ceremonial activities were concentrated in other sites" at Pampa de las Salinas, she said.

Pampa a dél-amerikai préri. Kecsua nyelven állítólag "lapos föld" jelentésű szó. This Formative, Altiplano, and Inca period site is located on a pampa mound. No tombs are evident.
A pampák népe volt - Het
Mint olvassuk, a chechehet "hati=nagy". Egyiptom felé a "hati=elefánt". Az Andok másik oldalán a "nagy=nui" A querandi "zobá=hold", s a "zomba" szó minden földrészen előfordul.
Az Andok közelében élő patagón vadászokat a spanyolok "puelche, poya, patagon (tehuelhets)" nevekkel illették. (Julian Haynes Steward) Érdekes a lóra szerelhető gyermekbölcső, amit más népeknél nem igen látni. A chechehets népet a spanyolok "serranos", vagyis "hegylakó" néven ismerték. Altörzsük a Leuvuches (A folyó népe) vagy a calillehets (hegyek népe) volt. A moluche, taluhet és diuihet nép a halottaikat egy öl mély négyzet alakú verembe temették. A tehuelhet férfiak 6-7 láb magasra nőttek. A déli Andokot lakó Moluches nép északi törzse a picunches, ahol a "picun=észak" és a "che=nép" jelentésű. Chilian nyelven a "nap=luv" és a "hold=cuyen". Sátraik/kunyhóik neve toldos, ami favázra feszített, összevarrt állatbőrökből áll. A sátor kelet felé nyitott.
A zoba szóról jut eszembe a szoba:
German stube "room, chamber" from MHG stube, OHG stuba "room with means for heating, sitting-room, bath-room; common to OTeut.; compare Du stoof "foot-stove, drying-room, AS stofa, E stove, OIc stofa "room, bath-room wth a stove. Italian stufa, Fr étuve. Adopted: Finn stupa, Lith. stubá, OSlov. istüba, izba, Hung szoba, Turk soba "room". (F. Kluge). Odu: Osman-Turkish oda "room" and its Hungarian equivalent szoba. Turk. soba “fire place” [Alfred Toth]. Teljesen véletlen lehet, hogy a kályha (fűtött helyiség) szóból alakult ki a szoba, s többségükben benne van a fa szó, sőt a francia majdnem "tuva=tűz". Az angol "room" feltehetően a "ruma=ház" továbbélése.
Cerritos - Tongva(n cheng)
Native Americans in the area; however, little is known of these first peoples. Between 500 and 1200 AD, another group from the Great Basin of Utah and Nevada displaced the inhabitants of the region. They built 50-100 villages in the greater Los Angeles area; their village of Tibahangna lay near the river on the Cerritos property. Identified today as the Tongva (or "People of the Earth"). Rancho Los Cerritos (“Ranch of the Little Hills”). The Earthen Mounds (Cerritos) of Southern Brazil and Uruguay.
Hill-ok, russian "holmik", bulgarian "mogilka", swahili "kilima", finnish "kumpu". icelandic: "hóll". A mogyla pedig sírhalom. Vajon a cer-ritus a latin cerrus ( Quercus cerris, Turkey oak) szóból ered? [A holm oak örökzöld tölgy.] Vagy csak "kör rítus" ? The root is Proto-Germanic *hulmaz (“hill, rise”), equivalent to Latin culmen (“peak”); compare culminate. Tény, hogy a kulminál (eléri a csúcspontját) az halmozódott. Komp, ami Homp is. A parasztság régen egy-két kapavágásnyi földet halmozott fel a terület szélét jelölendő. Ezt hívták "kompolásnak".
Plural, a "dakota" többes szám
For example: Kutya, kutyák (dog, dogs) Macska, macskák (cat, cats). Rud, rudak. (Rod, rods). Béka, békák (frog, frogs), Róka, Rókák (fox, foxes) Föld, földek (field, fields) similar to Ancient Armenian, Sami languages. A mássalhangzóra végződő szavaknál a "-k" elé egy magánhangzót toldunk.
Plural noun Amerika nyelvcsaládjai.
Abenaki: ak
A suffix used to form the plurals of animate words.
sips (“bird”) > sipsak (“birds”)
wöbigo (“he is white”) > wöbigoak (“they are white”)
Lenape (delaware) nyelven a 4 (négy) = newa. girl/lány = xkwechech. girls/lányok = xkwechichak. frog/béka= chakol. frogs/békák = chakolak. golden eagle = aiham. golden eagles = aihamak. fish/hal = names. fishes/halak = namesak. mother = ana. shoe=chipakw=cipő. river=sipu = folyó. builder= wikhetschik. Counsels= witatschimolsin. Searches = lattoniken.
mistik =a tree/fa > mistikwak= trees/fák. mwâkwa = loon > mwâkwak = loons. All animate nouns in their plural forms end in a “k” and all inanimate nouns in their plural forms end in an ”a.” [A dakota nyelv többes számát a "-pi-" szótag jelzi.]
Pesti István 2020 július
Amerika 18. rész
Óceánia 5. rész