India 6
Magadha - Államalakulat India északkeleti részén Nagy Sándor kora előtti időkben.
Magadha, ancient Indian kingdom, situated within the area of the modern states of Bihar and Jharkhand. Its capital was Pataliputra (now Patna). The kingdom rose to prominence in the mid-7th cent. B.C. and rapidly extended its frontiers, especially under the rule of Bimbisara (c.540-c.490). Magadha fell (c.325) to Chandragupta, who made the kingdom the nucleus of the Mauryan empire.
Magadha nyelve a päli volt. T. W. Rhys Davids in his book Buddhist India, and Wilhelm Geiger in his book Päli Literature and Language, suggested that Pali may have originated as a form of lingua franca or common language of culture among people who used differing dialects in North India, used at the time of the Buddha and employed by him. Magyar nyelven. A "szittya": Budha neve eredetileg Sziddhattha volt.
ábránd = abhr + aananda
alkalom = ullaH + kaala + maa
apostol = uposatha + tola
Közhasznu Esmeretek Tara:
Pakrit mintegy 10 féle dialektusából megemlíteném a GAURA nyelvjárást, amelyet Bengál keleti részén beszélnek és sok szanszkrit szavat tartalmaz. Egy másik dialektus az UTCALA vagy orissa. Szintén szanszkrit szavakkal tüzdelt változata az URIGA. Az észak-indiaiakat nevezik GAURoknak is. (Nem keverendő!: A gaur a Föld legnagyobb vadon élő szarvasmarha féléje.)
Terebess - Gaur "Csanak-kale"
Még beljebb egy más, az előbbinél sokkal terjedelmesebb rom is van kőépületek maradványaival, és ezt Gaur kaleszinek (a gaurok várának) nevezik. Kezdetben azt hivém, hogy a gaurokon az őskor gebreit, vagyis tűzimádóit értik, de nagy bámulatomra azt hallottam, hogy e név alatt egész Közép-Ázsiában az örményeket vagy, helyesebben mondva, nesztoriánusokat értik, kiknek ott az iszlám előtti időkben, egészen a mongol uralom elenyésztéig, jelentékeny telepeik voltak, melyek az Aral-tótól messze Kínáig terjedtek.
the Brahmins in the Indian Continent are divided into two major groups: Panch Gaur and Panch Dravida. Panch Gaur (the five classes of Northern India) group constitutes: 1) Saraswata, 2) Kanyakubja, 3) Gaudra, 4) Utkala, and 5) Maithila. The gaur (white) subcastes, according to Sherring, inhabit the region north of the Narmada and the draviDa subcastes, the south. The Gaurs of Haryana claim that they come to Haryana originally from Bengal. It is believed they came as Purohitas along with various immigrant farming tribes.
Gaur = fehérsárga, albo flavus. Szanszkrit nyelv.
H. W. Bellew writes that Gabari, Gabarai or Gawari, who, before their adoption of Islam, were, as the name implies, "Fire-worshippers, and perhaps Persians of the Pauthiali tribe (before mentioned), one of whose chief ancient seats is marked by the existing Pandiali district in the present Mahmand hills, between the Kabul and Swat rivers.
The chief tribes of the Medes, says Herodotus, were the Busai, the Paratakenoi', the Strukhatai, the Arizantoi, the Budioi, and the Magoi. Muhammadans the name Gabr or Gawr is used as a term of reproach, and is the familiar Giaur applied by them to Christians and other unbelievers in Islam. /A gawar-ok a Pakisztan-Afganisztán határán levő Kunar folyó mentén élnek./
Fantasztikus film!
A filmben megfigyelhetőek egyes leleteken különleges írásjelek. Ezekről több helyen üvölt a rovás és ékírás alapú ősi kultúrákkal való rokonság, illetve párhuzam. A fenti kép a filmben Klaus Dona szerint preszanszkrit írásjeleket tartalmaz, és ő igen óvatosan fogalmaz. Ám aki ismeri a magyar rovásírást annak nem kell nagy erőlködés hogy felismerjük rajta rovásábécénk jeleit.
Ho nyelv
Ho (also known as Bihar Ho and Lanka Kol) is a Munda language of the Austroasiatic language family spoken primarily in India by about 1.04 million people (0.103% of India's population) per the 2001 census.
Urdu nyelvből "hende=okos, barátságos". A közép angolban a "kegy=kéz" (kegyelmes) mintájára "hende=gracious". A dán nyelvben a "hen=tyúk/female" szóra vezetik vissza.
Rokonkeresők - se rokona, se boldog őse..
Csak hézagos a felsorolás, hogy a magyar nyelvet mi mindennel próbálták már rokonítani: zsidó, egyiptomi, sumer, etruszk, hettita, baszk, perzsa, pelazg, hun, görög, kínai, szanszkrit, angol, tibeti, tamil, korják, kamcsadál, jukagír, japán, ajno, dravida, maori, magar, csin, lepcsa, dafla, abor-miri, khasszi, mikir, munda, gondi, örmény, bodó, kocs, garo, kacsari, manipur, teluga, migal, brahui, tapka, manyók, szokpa, hórpa, szerpa, szunvár, garung, rodong, csuruszja, kulungya, bahingya, lehorong, szangpang, dumi, bután és persze kamu. (Ez utóbbi egy nyelv – az egész pedig maga is kamu…) Ha ugyanis ezeket a teóriákat komolyan vennénk, abból egyben az is következne, hogy a felsorolt nyelvek egymásnak is rokonai, tehát pl. az angol, a kínai, a japán, a baszk és a perzsa egy torol fakadtak. /Holott tudjuk, hogy az angol nyelv például maga is több tőről fakadt.. A kínai meg a belgával rokon./
Sanskrit - English
Halähala ("the most vicious and venomous poison of universe")
nabhazcakSus n. eye of the sky, the sun L.
nabhomaNi m. sky-jewel, the sun L
candragupta m. moon-protected N. of a renowned king reigning at Patali-putra about 315 B.C.
India - Gloria Mundi
Munda: The word muṇḍa could mean "bald" or "shaved" in this context; ‘Munda’ related words in Tulu (German "Mond-ronde"?)
The word mund represents a hamlet in Toda language. And the word ‘munda’ represents village headman in Munda group of languages. The word ‘munda’ (=young man) has also survived in languages like Punjabi. Toda word for house, ‘mund’. Mundkür = Moon circle?
Tulunadu There are several villages around Mundkur that carry the names of Bella/Bolla/Vella (=white) tribes. ‘Beeri ‘ or bir means forest in Munda languages. Beeri, subsequently also meant wilderness, forest fire and wild, unbridled temperament. Thus, bir > evolved to ‘bira’ (hero). (Vir in Tamil and ‘Veer’ in Hindi and Sanskrit). From ‘brag’ evolved ‘flattery’ of the Spirits. (‘Satyolena bira panpini ‘). Kannada as ‘ganDu beeri’ , to designate a wild, unbridled girl who behaves like a tomboy. (Férfias viselkedésű nő.)
Some of the Munda related words coined in Tulu language are cited below:
1. Names of Munda villages/settlements: Mundukur, Mundagaru, Mundagodu, Mundadi, Mundodi, Mundaje, Mundur, Mundrupadi, Mundaka, Kallamundukur etc
2.Names of Munda plants: Mundevu (Pandanus utilis), Mundu tevu, Munda kalli. Az isteni "teve" ..:-) Nálam a "thea=látó", s nem "tűz".
3. Names for Munda Attire: ‘Mundu’(waiste cloth, a standard part of rural attire even now in southwestern coastal India), Mundas (=a native headgear, fashioned by rolling and tying a longer cloth around the head = hindu turbán)
4. Names of Munda measure: Mundu’=about five feet. (Average height of a short Munda man. Dwarf dorf?)
Possibly Munda men were of shorter stature than the newly arrived Tulu tribes. ‘AaL’= about six feet (An average height of a tall man).
5. Names of parts of the human Body: ‘mundu’= knee, ‘munda’ =forehead. (Kasha ) ‘mundana’ =shaving head.
(The word ‘munda’ in Kannada refers to the trunk or the body part below the head, as against runda=head .
Whites - freskókon. (Chimila "itta/ita= heaven".)
Admiralty islands languages
Musau wordlist "behind=e:muli", "small=pi:sike",
The river Indus is a derivation of the same origin and a reference can be found in Ancient Greek – in the work of Arrian(Ἀρριανός) called Anabasis Alexandri (the Campaigns of Alexander). … and in Pahlavi: India = Hinduugaan / Hindoogaan and Indian = Hinduug / Hindoog
We can compare this with the Pahlavi (Middle Persian) words for India / Indian (highlighted above) and the Pahlavi words for dark / black (below):
dark = taariig/k, tiirag ( = taariik / tiirah in New / Modern Persian and Urdu).
black = shyaa/k ( = siyaah in New / Modern Persian and Urdu).
Irani elemets
šen- "build" (from Mid. Pers. *šên, cf. Av. šayana- "home"; šen in Georgian is present like a component in toponyms such as Axalšen-i, lit. "New city");
dev-i "evil spirit" (from Mid. Pers. dêw, Old Pers. daiva-, Av. daêva-);
niš "miracle, sign" (from Mid. Pers. nîš- < *niyaš- < ni-aš- "to look, to watch";
Jero, Andamanese
bell erconi, mikha
big house urmu kuruc
blood tei, ettay
gold ta:l
grass khi:no
hen mocco
hut pharoj
jail nipon
lion, tiger phormuca:w
mid-moon dulo
Budaya Inggris Raya
The Third Noble Truth is the cessation of dukkba. This is nirvana (Pali: nibbiina). Nirvana means "blown out, extinguished." The metaphor of nirvana is based on the Hindu idea of fire at the time of the Buddha (Frauwallner, f973).
Hindu Moon names
Chandra; Shandra; Chandrika; Chandira; Jaladhij; Agarna; Soma.
Dictionary (Nighantuvu) - TELUGU AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES
Haalaahalam = the poison . Hukkaa = smoking tobacco with pipe. Haddu = the limit. Hayam = a horse .
A varis
Bedi is a well known Khatri clan in India. Guru Nanak Dev, the founder of Sikhism, was born into this clan. His son, Sri Chand was the founder of the Udasi order, which is the oldest of the existing Sikh sect. The ancestors of Guru Nanak Dev came to be called as Bedi (Vedi), because they had studied the Vedas, the ancient Hindu texts, according to the Bichitra Natak, the autobiography of the tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh. In mythology Bedis are said to be the descendants of Kusha, the son of Lord Rama. As is known, Lord Rama had two sons Lava and Kusha who had established their kingdom in Punjab. In fact, the famous city of Lahore, which was originally called Lava Awar (the fort of Lava) owes its name to Lava.
Hindi etymology of Lojban
A lojban egy mesterséges nyelv. A hindi miatt tettem ide. Lojban-angol - hindi.
vlagi vulva [bag]
भग [bhaga] “vulva” |
zumri maize [marki]
मकई [maka'ī] “maize” |
tabra trumpet [turia]
तूर्य [tūrya] “trumpet” |
punji put [rak]
रखना [rakhanā] “put” |
papri page [patr]
पत्र [patra] “paper” |
palta plate [tal]
थाली [thālī] “plate” |
palku pants [patalun]
पतलून [patalūna] “pants” |
nuzba news [xabar]
ख़बर [ḵẖabara] “news” |
nobli noble [kulin]
कुलीन [kulīna] “noble” |
lanka basket [tokari]
टोकरी [ṭōkarī] “basket”
foldi field [ket]
खेत [khēta] “field” |
Hindi besna brain [bej]. Canoe=dongi. Urdu: "skiff=dongi".
Sinhala (Siṃhāla) is a Sanskrit term; the corresponding Middle Indic word is Sīhala; the actual Sinhala term is heḷa or (h)eḷu. The Sanskrit and the Middle Indic words have as their first element (siṃha and sīha) the word "lion" in the respective languages.[3] According to legend, Sinhabahu or Sīhabāhu ("Lion-arms"), was the son of a Vanga princess and a lion. He killed his father and became king of Vanga. His son Vijaya would emigrate from north India to Lankā and become the progenitor of the Sinhala people. Taking into account linguistic and mythological evidence, we can assume that the first element of the name of the people means "lion". As for the second element la, local tradition connects it to the Sanskrit root lā- "to seize", as to translate it "lion-seizer" or "lion-killer", or to Sanskrit loha/Sinhala lē "blood", to have it mean "lion blood". From a linguistic point of view, however, neither interpretation is convincing, so that we can only safely say that the word Sinhala is somehow connected to a term meaning "lion/singa".
Az oroszlán a kapu őre ugyan, de nem maga a kapu. Ámbár a "pan theira" (panthera) is "napkapu" (vízkapu?). Pan=keeper, Thera=gate; Greek. /Terra=Moon/
Indic - az asyrr mester
They were the Iranis and the Turanis, or, in other words, the Mazdayasnis and the Devayasnis. These two groups or nations were in opposition to each other. "Yan" means "wisdom". (As in yanim mano, yanim vacho, yanim kshnothnem, the beginning of the Gathas wherein Asho Zarathushtra's Best, Wisest, Spiritual Thoughts, Words and Deeds are referred to.) The Tur-yanis (Turanis) were the evil sorcerers and evil doers. "Tur" indicates evil as employed in the words "Tur-Bar-Atur" and "Tur-e Frangras". Ar-yani or Irani means those who followed "ar" or spiritual wisdom. They were already the Mazdayasnis or Mazda worshippers who believed in One Supreme Creator, Ahura Mazda.
In later literature 'pur' or 'pura', which is the basic word in the component 'paura' of the combination 'paurajiinapada', stands for town or urban and 'janapada' for country or rural habitat. Yet, 'pur' or 'pura' is not the same
But it occurs more than once in the Prakrit work, SaptaJati of Hala, generally assigned to the 2nd century AC. and considered to be representative of popular usages, as a designation of a regular village, with its headman named in the standard manner, as 'grama':li'.
According to Appadorai39, in Tamil inscriptions of the 11th to the 13th century or so, though Cur' was the term applied to a village in the agricultural tracts, villages in the pastoral tracts were variously called 'ur', 'ceri', 'palli' and 'pa9i'.
yán wáng, "the yán kings," not an inappropriate term, since "yán" by itself means "gate". Ar-yán.
Yate, English = It means gate. Yates Middle English Yates means gate keeper. Érdekes, hogy a "yán=kapu" és a "lán=égi".
Mint emlékezünk, az ARY-AN volt hasonlítva a turk "ary=méh" és a héber "ary=oroszlán" , valamint az ar-ion szóra is. A kapu népe. Ég(e)i nép..
Sok kapu
Scots: yett=gate. Logudorese Sardinian: yaga. Mongolian: haalga.
Genetika kilóra..
Central Asia
There is one more village named Budak in Hissar district in Haryana.
Haplogroup M (mitochondrial DNA): High frequency ofthis haplogroup are found in population living in Southern Pakistan and Northwest India. Rarely found in people living west of the Indus Valley and is found in low frequency in the Central Asian population.Haplogroup M (from mitochondrial DNA). Individuals containing this marker are referred to as Coastal Migrants.
Roma - migration
"M" az indián lány
A reduced median network was also drawn combining data from studies on Africans, Southeast Asians and West-Eurasians, tracing the migration of ‘M’ from East Africa to India. Hol lehet West-Eurasia? Máshol a genetikusok határozottan állítják, hogy az ősi minták alapján az "M" mtDNA India leánya. Hasonlóan az "R" mtDNA-hoz. Ismét máshol Japán az "M". M is the single most common mtDNA haplogroup in Asia,[20] and peaks in Japan and Tibet, where it represents on average about 70% of the maternal lineages. Megint máshol "Most Indian sequences belonged to the Asian haplogroup M, as found previously.9,12,19 South, central and east tribes exhibited very similar high frequencies of haplogroup M (approx75%).
mtDNA N, R, U
mtDNA N: About 37 per cent (highest representation) of the studied populations are from southern region whereas the least (3.8%) are from Islands.
Frequency of U was found to vary according to the linguistic affiliation of the populations, viz., with highest frequency observed among Austro-Asiatic (13.56%) followed by Dravidian (9.17%) and then by Tibeto-Burman (6.7%) speaking populations. Also, U2i and U1 (subclusters of U) were observed among the
studied tribals with frequencies of 77.3% and 9.1%, respectively, of U.
The overall frequency of I, W and X in India was calculated to be 0.7%, 2.2% and 0.2%, respectively.
Turista látványosságok
The percentages of haplogroup M in India seem to vary from c. 50% to 80%. The lowest percentage is in Nicobar Islands (less than 10%), where there is a lot of F and B. Even in Uttar Pradesh, the percentage of M is 58%. By comparison, the percentage of M in Pakistan seems to be still 45%. The second biggest group consists of mtDNA R lineages, and they look also highly autochthonous. The haplogroup U is also widely distributed in India, but the oldest clade U2a is probably Mesolithic/Palaeolithic. Iranian lineage U7 has a frequency of 2.0% in India. Northern lineages, such as U4, U5 and K, have frequencies of 0.6%, 0.4%. and 0.1%. The share of H seems to be 1.4% in India and 11% in Pakistan and 17% in Iran.
Nők, istennők
Burrampooter=Brahmaputra=San-po (Sanpoo > Tetőtől talpig?)
Kuda derived from Indian word Ghora
India Grecoroman
Her name, in Latin Vesta, and in Greek Hestia, or, in its archaic form Festia, was formerly explained as coming from the root Sta, as referring to the fixed and established position of the domestic hearth, upon which flamed the fire which represented this divinity; but we much prefer the later etymology of the learned Max Muller, who has shown that the name was derived from the Sanscrit root Vas, (with the feminine ending ta), meaning "to glow" or burn. (Chips from a German Workshop, II, p 137) It was from this root that the Greek name for the hearth, (hestia) was derived, and it is interesting to note that our English word "feast" comes directly from the same origin, the feast of Hestia being anciently celebrated annually in each family by a special meal, in a reunion around the hearth..
Arvales Fratres
Strabo, indeed (V.3), informs us that, in the reign of Tiberius, these priests (ἱερομνήμονες)
performed sacrifices called the Ambarvalia at various places on the borders of the ager Romanus, or original territory of Rome; and amongst others, at Festi, a place •between five and six miles from the city, in the direction of Alba.
(From Old High German festi; from Middle High German vëst, from Latin festum: Visszarendeződés.)
Nem keverendő a fist/ ököl szóval! Slovene: pest. Ukrainian: kulák. Luxembourgish: Fauscht. Basque: ukabil.
Az én szanszkrit szótáram a vas kapcsán nem említ "to burn" jelentést. Csak "to shine, grow bright" jelentést. Mint az úr napja..
Saras vati
Az Indus-Szaraszvatí kultúra virágkorát a Kr e 2400-1800 közé teszik. Magában foglalta a mai Pakisztánt és India nagy részét. Itt számos réz- és bronztárgyat találtak, pl. feliratos rézlemezeket bika, tehén, bivaly, orrszarvú és más állatok ábráival, réz- és bronzszerszámokat, pl. fűrészt és baltát, edényeket és fegyvereket. Vastárgyak nem kerültek elő, ami nagyon rejtélyes, mert a világ legrégebbi szentírása, a Rgvéda már tud a vasról. Pl. a RV 7.95.1 ezt írja: "Ez a Szaraszvatí folyó a mi biztos védelmünk, vas-erőd."
bhá:la-m "splendour" Sanskrit
be:lű "white" Old Church Slavonian
ba:l "pyre" Old English. Halotti máglya? Tűz?
ba:l "pyre" Old Norse
phalós "bright, luminant, white" Greek. A magyar alapítású tanító szerzetesrend csuhája FEHÉR volt.
"fae- =light/fény". Fasu/Eng./Hungarian
"pak = mouth/száj". Mah Meri. "Pak" más nyelvekből "madár/bird". *pa[q]u or *po[q] = beak, bill /csőr(bök). Mon-Khmer.
Kannada: hettuge =female
Gyógyítók, idegenek
Kicsi és büdös
unge (Danish): 1.) little one, young one 2.) young (offspring of animals) 3.) kid 4.) brat (a spoiled kid)
unge (Romanian): From Latin ungere, present active infinitive of ungö. Verb. 1.) to smear 2.) to rub in (oil), grease, oil, lubricate
Old English haelan "cure; save; make whole, sound and well," from Proto-Germanic *hailjan (cognates: Old Saxon helian, Old Norse heila, Old Frisian hela, Dutch helen, German heilen, Gothic ga-hailjan "to heal, cure")
Java Java has an extensive custom of traditional medicine, through established healers called tabib, who deal with a variety of illnesses of physical, emotional, and spiritual origin through combinations of herbal means. Ind tabib, Kyr tabip, Per ttabib, Taj tabib, Tur tabip, Uzb tabib.
The Siddha system of medicine owes its origin to the Dravidian culture which is of the Pre-vedic period. An examination of the ancient literature would reveal that the vedic Aryans owed allegiance to the cult of Shiva and the worship of the phallus (linga) which was later on absorbed by, and incorporated into the Vedic culture. The Shiv Cult is associated with its medical counterpart, the Siddha system of medicine, which is mainly therapeutic. Mercury, sulphur, iron, copper, gold, bituman, white, yellow and red arsenic and other materials as well as vegatable poisons are extensively used in the pharmacopocia of the Siddha tradition. The Siddha system of medicine is prevalent in the Sourthen States of India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Singapore, where the Dravidian civilization was document.
A tabib másik neve a shaman volt. Ferghana területén a sámán neve baqshy, parihan vagy falbin. (fal=rendeltetése, bin=látni). Az arab tabib erre taib-ra rövidült. Nevezték "kinanchi"-nak is, ami "rontás levevő" jelentésű. A Fergana medencében a sámán rendszerint nő, s a kazakoktól, türkménektől eltérően nappal gyakorolja hivatását, nem éjjel. /Razia Sultanova: From Shamanism to Sufism: Women, Islam and Culture in Central Asia./
The Formation of the Marathi Language szerző: Jules Bloch
Thäl = metal plate (panj. hindi) Ősi örökség - Plattensee. A "tál" jelentése "pool" (tócsa) is.
Päkh = wing, side of roof, half of a lunar month.
Scandinavian Ro "marokka=frog". Morocco? /Máshol a frog= "dor, heqa, beka.."/
vägh = tiger (Panj. bagh)
surä m. = knife. G charo, H. churi, Panj. H. churä Ro. curi.
The strangers' East Indian guide to the Hindoostanee- John Borthwick Gilchrist
Kee-na, moo-na, dee-na, lee-na are the ancient infinitives of kurna, to do; murna to die; de-na to give; lena to take;
Bird = janwur. Blood = khoon. Breast = choonchee. Child = lurka. Coat =unga. Dog = kootta. Eye = ankh. Female = madu. Iron = ahun. Kid = hulwan.
Kalibangan lies along the left bank of the dried-up bed of river Ghaggar (ancient Sarasvati). It comprises of three mounds, the larger one in the middle (KLB-2), the smaller in the west (KLB-1) and the smallest in the east (KLB-3). The excavations brought to light grid layout of a Harappan metropolis, perhaps truly ‘the first city’ of the Indian culture heritage.
Malay English
The word sekolah means school, which is borrowed from a Portuguese word, escola.
"Kuala Belait" literally means "the mouth of the Belait River" in the Malay language. Its name comes from "Kuala" meaning either confluence of two rivers or the mouth of a river. Pali: "shore=kuula". River=nadii; rivulet=kunnadii. "river-month= nadiimukha". Tribe= gotta; tribal: gottaayatta. "pap= cuucuka". patrol= rakkhaaya sa–
Urdu dict.
Urdu: Pahaarh=mountain. kaatnaa = Cut. Kaylaa = Banana. Keel = Nail. khiraj = Tribute. kinaara = Border. kufr = Blasphemy. kutta = Dog. panjaa = Claw. Par = Wing. Chaand = Moon. Chhorna = renounce. Chorna = Quit. halqaa = Circle. hilaal = Crescent.

Nyilaskereszt Indiában
Tamil nyelvterület
Indián lány
Maduraponnu, Vanga vandhu inge vandhu thamizhai valarunga.. Unga side thamizhaiyum therindhu kolgirom..
Unga side--your side (madurai side)
Serendib, the old Arabic, Persian and Urdu name for Sri Lanka.
Serendib, also spelled Serendip, Arabic Sarandib, name for the island of Sri Lanka (Ceylon).
The name Serendib is a corruption of the Sanskrit compound Siṃhaladvīpa (“Dwelling-Place-of-Lions Island”).
Sanskrit "tala=alvilág". Pali=protector.
Sri Lanka tevéje
Not only are the words Eezham, Eelam, Cilam, Chilam, Cheralam, Eelavar, Eela, I'la, E'lu, He'la, Seeha'la, Silam, Simha'la and Sinhala cognates, but so too are the Old Tamil-Malayalam Cerantivu (pronounced Seren deevu), Greek Salai and Seiladiba, the Arab Serendib, Portuguese Ceilao and the colonial Ceylon cognates. (English: Si-lon.)
The names Heladiva and Heladveepa have two possible origins, a point of hot debate between certain Sri Lankans. Some argue[who?] that these are nothing more than an additional type of name sharing the same origin as those related to Ceylon mentioned above, simply having been shortened by dropping the Sin or Sim. Others argue[who?] that the Hela were a separate people living in Sri Lanka before the arrival of the Indians, the Dravidians or specifically
the Tamils of South India. Those who make this distinction are more likely to use these names to describe Sri Lanka.
Tamil szófejtő - My boni lass?
The Tamil word Ilankai has its origin in another Tamil word "Ilanku". Ilanku means "be visible". Why did the name of an island come from the word Ilanku? Tamils are great seafarers in all known Tamil history. Tamil merchants sailed to Burma and Malaysia in the east and Greece and Rome in the west as far back as at least 2000 years. As ships sailed off from Tamil Nadu coasts or returned back home, sailors could see the large landmass of the island. It was clearly visible. So they called the island Ilankai from the word Ilanku. The island is referred to as Ilankai in some of the oldest Tamil literature available today, for example, Sirupanattuppadai and Purananooru, both written about 2000 years ago.
The Tamil word Ilankai mutated to "Lanka" in Sinhalese. The prefix "Sri", indicating honor, respect or reverence, was added to it and the island is today called Sri Lanka.
Hunugama, Dambakola
Tamilinized Sinhala place names in Jaffna. Máshol: “Changing Tamils names to Sinhala” .
Sinhala, chula means small; Tamil chuli may mean to mark with a circle. Hullámvonal: Huli, yuli?
Tamil szeparatizmus - Két kulacsos
Galkandamadu got Tamilicised into Kallukondamadu. That is because in Tamil the letter ‘k’ is used for ‘ga’ and ‘ha’ as well. Lewis found heaps of ‘puliyankulams’ in the Vanni. ‘Kulam’ is ‘tank’ in Tamil. The original name of one such Puliyankulam was Siyambalagaswewa. Vilenkulam was earlier Diwulwewa. Thus Chunnakam was Hunugama, Kokkuvil was Kokavila, Uduvil as Uduvila, Tanankalapu was Tanankalapuwa, Saravattei was Sarawatte, and Manipai was Mampe. (Ceylon Antiquary and literary Register. Vol 2(1) 1916, p 55,56)
The word Faranghi in Portuguese means foreigner. Tamil language does not have the sound for ‘F’. Therefore, the letter ‘P’ was used in place of the letter ‘F’ and consequently, Paranghi was adopted in the Tamil vocabulary for foreigners in the sixteenth century. In the name Para-Rajasingam, the word Para means Noble or Lord. Parama- Pitha is the God of the Universe where the word Param means the Universe in Tamil.
†Hyarotis, idis, nn. [= ‘Uarwtis ] folyó Indiában, ma Ravi.
The Eḷu language (also Hela, Helu) is the ancestral form of the Sinhala language, a Middle Indo-Iranian language or Prakrit of the 3rd century BCE. Initial "ca" in Sanskrit and Pali becomes "s" or "h"- Examples: canda → sanda, handa. Nem fordítva? Sator > CSador.
Nandi Hills or Nandidurg (Anglicised forms include Nandidrug and Nandydroog) is an ancient hill fortress in southern India, in the Chikkaballapur district of Karnataka state. During the Chola period, Nandi Hills was called Ananda Giri meaning The Hill of Happiness. Nandi=bull, giri=hill
. giri
Baba Budangiri taluk. Kuriniji flowers at Baba Budan Hill Ranges, Chikkamagaluru, Karnataka .
Sathuragiri Hills or Chathuragiri otherwise known as ' SUNDARA MAHALINGAM ' is situated 10 km from Watrap (Wathirairuppu) near Srivilliputhur. The name Sathuragiri came from Chathur (4) Veda (Vedas) Giri (Hill), where all the four Vedas met and formed the hill. Another meaning is that the whole mountain is in square (Chathuram) in shape so the name Chathuragiri.
Annadhanam(Free Food=ingyen enned) is Provided To The Pilgrims on almost all days especially No Moon Days and Full moon days By several Annadhana Madam/Volunteers.
Nepál - Hold domb.
But the panoramic views of the Kathmandu Valley from a top the Chandragiri Hill still continue to lure many people to this day.
Bengál környék
The exact origin of the word Bangla and Bongo or Ben-gal is unknown, though the word is believed to be derived from the Dravidian-speaking tribe called Bang that settled in the area around the year 1000 BC. It could also be derived from the word Vanga, which was a kingdom in the Bengal region during the times of Mahabharata as mentioned in Sanskrit literature.
Bangladesh - Héthatár széle
In these area once there was abundance of rocks ( Shila). The hat or bazaar sat on these rocks. The name of Syl-het concerted gradually of the words ‘Shila’ and ‘Hat’ as Shila-Hat > Shil-hot Shilhatta. Néha a "Hat=Hét/7"..
Alternate Names. Sileti, Siloti, Srihattia, Sylhetti, Sylhetti Bangla, ...
In Syloti cloud is called বাদল badôl or আছমানী হাজ ashmani haz (decor of the sky).
Osur; Osuro =Axura; Axura = Ahura; Hurain = People of Assyria (Assyrian. Ahura Mazda).
Onguri =Anguti; angti =Angti =Finger-ring.
Sokol; somosto =Xokhol =Hokhol =All. Falka?
Shāt bar =Xat-bar =Hat-bar = Seven-times.
Shamī =Zamai; beṭa =Zamai; beṭa =Husband.
The majority of the people are of Sylheti decent and they speak Sylheti language, a dialect of Bengali.
During the British rule, ships were docked at the bank of the river Barak. Gradually, a market developed at the bank and became a major place of economic activity. The bank was covered with stones to help dock ships and vessels, and the market was developed at a place that was fully covered with stones. People started to refer to the place as "Shiler Chor", meaning a bank of stones. With the passage of time, "Shiler Chor" became "Silchar" for linguistic simplification and ultimately the British officials started to use the name "Silchar" in their official documents referring to the surrounding area of the market.
Magyarulez: Banglades (Kelet-Pakisztán) ÉK-i részén található terület fővárosának neve Silhet. Nyelvük többségében a szilheti dialektusát beszéli a bangla nyelvnek, a kisebbség a bihari nyelv használója.
The name Bihar is derived from the Sanskrit and Pali word, Vihara, which means "abode". The region roughly encompassing the present state was dotted with Buddhist vihara, the abodes of Buddhist monks in the ancient and medieval periods. Menedékhely a szerzeteseknek viharos időkre. (Érdekességnek: a svéd "vi här = Mi itt". Välj kategori > Válassz kategóriát!)
Vihar < Bihar
India - Bihar and Eastern Uttar Pradesh - the consonant "sh" is replaced with "s" (for example, saadi instead of shaadi) and "v" replaced with "b" (for example, bid-es instead of videsh). Veranda > baramda.
palla door shutter (Palla Tina?). Nem keverendő a Basileus > Vasileus hangváltással!
Paul Hockings - A Badaga-English Dictionary
A "kittoli" bangla nyelven "orange" (fruit). A szilheti narancs tudományos neve "Citrus aurantium nobilis", de a helyiek nevezik "a:rangi/ a:ranju" néven is. "Kericcu" az kiabálni hangosan, zajt csinálni. A magyar kultúrában Karácsonykor (újév napjánál) kergették el a rossz szellemeket zajongással.
Palaka madu: to habituate. Palli/Halli: small seattlement. Ahol a pálosok elmét pallérozzák: "pallitu=school". Hettava=szülőanya. Hettapa=ősapa. Hette=old woman.
Bengali The Standard Bengali equivalent of chand would be chäd, with a nasalized vowel instead of the final cluster.
shobDolara My Sylheti Dictionary: szerző: Munayem Mayenin
zila: district, zela, zilla
misa: to lie, untrue
mItani: to wipe out
shorgo: heaven
laat: governor
vbaata: lower, low land
baaga: to flee, to run away
bali: sand
beng: frog
tola: wild cat
thoa: to keep
thal: plate
corKa: wheel
Syn: element meaning "together with, jointly; alike; at the same time," also sometimes completive or intensive, from Greek syn (prep.) Görög. L kezdetű szavak előtt "syl" lesz a "syn" szóból. (as in syllogism). Az örmény "Shen=falu/village", egy gyul-ekezőhely. Más tájakon "holdkör".
yul: means inhabited land, village. or more general "location, sphere, region". (Tibetan lang.)
gul (isheng lang.) assembled; gul kul, he made assembled, he called together
Himachal Pradesh
About 2 million years ago man lived in the foothills of Himachal Pradesh, viz in the Bangana valley of Kangra, Sirsa valley of Nalagarh and Markanda valley of Sirmour. The foothills of the state were inhabited by people from Indus valley civilization which flourished between 2250 and 1750 B.C.
About 90% of the population of Himachal Pradesh is Hindus. There main communities are Brahmins, Rajputs, Kannets, Rathis and Kolis. The tribal population of the state comprise of the Gaddis, Kinnars, Gujjars, Pangawals and Lahaulis.
The term kuravar is often used rather loosely by people in Tamil Nadu, South India,today. It is often used as a nontechnical term (something like the English word gypsy or “tribal”) which covers a number of demi-tribal and tribal communities—groups which oftenethnolinguistically have little or nothing in common. To consider the actual people referred to indetail more specifics are necessary to be clear about their on-the-ground ethnic identities andactivities, beyond the confusing generalities. The kuravars, who are often called "gypsies" by people in Chennai and other parts of Tamil Nadu, and who are also called narikuravar s and kuruvikkaran s and vagrivalas, speak Vagriboli, a language similar to Gujarati.
British police commissioners wrote of the kuravars as a "criminal caste" which was onemore problem for them to solve, and among settled Tamilians the Narikuravars have long beenassociated with dirtiness and immorality (much like the "gypsies" of the West).
Vagriboli, (they have no written language)
vagri, an Indo-Aryan term, means "a birdcatcher," that is, a Narikuravar man making a living byingeniously snaring birds and beasts in simple traps.
The name Kuruvikkaran means "bird men"— referring to the reputation they have for hunting birds and sometimeskeeping partridges to use as decoys when catching wild birds.
The term Gujjar has arrived from Khazar. In India, Gujjar populations are found mainly in Delhi, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, western Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, northern Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra.
Fantasztikum: Gyps indicus
Hindi - Isten áldd meg..
Ishraq, s. m. sun-rismg.
Ishrat, s. f. vulg. Aslirat, pleasure, delight, enjoyment, mirth.
Isht, s. m. a god, a deity.
Isht dew, s. m. a god, a deity.
Ishti^l, s. m. f. lighting a fire or candle, fomenting or instigating a quarrel.
Szkíták Indiában
Hat év óta terveztem, hogy elmegyek India legnyugatibb szegletébe, a Kács (Kachchh) félszigetre, hogy az ott található ezerötszáz-kétezer éves, domborműves sírköveket tanulmányozzam.
A területen szanaszét heverő, porladó sírkövek értelmezését a város múzeumigazgatójától ismerem. Felső részükön mindig a Hold és a Nap látható, utóbbi ráadásul ugyanolyan hajlított sugárvonalakkal, ahogyan a székelykapukon. Alatta kegyetlen történetet ábrázolnak, egy elhunyt harcost vagy feleségét - olykor mindkettőt -, aki özvegyként az önkéntes máglyahalált választotta. Ezt a hindu szokást a heftalita utód rádzsputok is átvették és őrizték meg legtovább, végül Gandhi szüntette meg.
India kapcsolódásai
Jt has been claimed that the word Sindhu, found j 1( f in the library of Assurbanipal (668-626 B.C.), is | t use d in the sense of "Indian cotton/' and the
: ' word is said to be much older, belonging in reality to the Akkadian tongue, where it is expressed by f - 1 These names were discovered by Prof. Hugo Winckler 1 on a cuneiform tablet at the Hittite capital of Boghazkoi, 'i in I 97- See Ed. Meyer in vol. 42 of Kuhn's Zeitschrifi. (sindus az selyem a pártusoknál.)
A napbárkától Ashoka oszlopáig számos tárgyi bizonyíték van Egyiptom és India kontaktusára.
Hindu - Sindu. (Hette - Sette) /Hindu - Hinto (shinto?)-Blue?/
[Japanese shintö : shin, god (from Middle Chinese shin; also the source of Mandarin shén, spirit, god) + tö, dö, art, way; see aikido.]
The word 'Sindhu' found in the library of Assurbanipal, is used in the sense of Indian cotton. The Hebrew Karpas is derived from the Sanskrit Karpassa.
According to the Arab geographers the term Zangistan from which the term Zanzibar or Zang Coast is derived, covers the whole of the eastern part of the Africa, known to the Muslims. Zang is obviously equivalent to the Sanskrit word ‘Sankh’. The Arabs probably borrowed the name from Puranas. Sankha-Dwipa signifies the Island of Shells.
Kakasaheb Kalelkar maintains that the very fact that the Puranas mention Miair, the ancient Egypt, establishes that the region must have been known to our forefathers. The ancient Hindus knew of great sweet water Lake Victoria, which they called Amar (Immortal) and the mountain of the Moon Rwenzore near the source of the Nile. Nile was clearly a Sanskrit word and secondly the Hindus were familiar with the source of the river Nile. The region between the central lake and east of Africa (part of Tanzania) is referred to as ‘Chandrastan’ and river Nile as Krishna in the Puranas.
Kács - Hold? Kacs? Kereszt?
A baj az, hogy 10 éve Kácsot egy nyolcas erejű földrengés rázta meg (amikor Pakisztánt is) és a sírkert is romos, még a maharádzsák köveit őrző úgynevezett „csatrik” (kupolás kőből készült emlékhelyek) is megsérültek, fel vannak állványozva, de helyreállítás még nem történt. Egyébként a város is romos, éppen a múzeum egy része és a királyi vár sérült meg legjobban. A királlyal is megismerkedtünk, a földrengés óta szállodában él. Nagyon művelt, Oxfordban végzett, jó külsejű férfi, aki az ősi Dzsadedzsa-dinasztiából származik s kérdésemre elismerte, hogy szkíta származású. A neve: M.K.S. Raghurajsinh of Kutch(kiejtés: Ragurádzsszingh Kács uralkodója). Magyar testvérváros.
The practice of taking seven steps- known as Saptapadi in Sanskrit- is associated with Hindu marriage ceremony and fire worship. The culminating rite in a Hindu marriage enjoins upon the bride and groom to go round the sacred fire four times (but misunderstood by many as seven times). Since "Makha" means fire, the seven circumambulations also prove that Mecca was the seat of Indian fire-worship in the West Asia.
The word Arabia is itself the abbreviation of a Sanskrit word. The original word is ‘Arabasthan’. Since Prakrit ‘B’ is Sanskrit ‘V’ the original Sanskrit name of the land is ‘Arvasthan’. ‘Arva’ in Sanskrit means a horse. Arvasthan signifies a land of horses., and as well all know, Arabia is famous for its horses.
Three important rivers, the Tunga, the Bhadra and the Nethravathi are said to have their origin here. Panna
Bhadra/Bhadra is a town and a municipality in Hanumangarh district in the state of Rajasthan, India.
Hátsó India
Chiampa, the old name for Siam. (Thailand)
Shepherd Hermas
Bangkok (Krung Thep Maha Nakhon )
Ré fiai
Water/Víz: | Yae (Myammaw.); | Ree (Yakain.); | Rae (Yo.). |
Fire/feuer/Tűz: | Fai (Tai-nay.); | Fai (Tai-yay.); | Pui (Tai-loong.). |
Hand/Kéz: | Moo (Tai-nay.); | Mooee (Yakain.); | Pawmoo (Tai-loong.). |
English. | Passooko. | Maploo. | |
Sun | Moomay | Moo | |
Moon | Law | Law | |
Water | Tee | Tee | |
Mouth | Patako | Pano | |
English. Koloun.
Sun Konee
Moon Klow
Water Tooee
English. Moan.
Sun Knooay Tangooay
Moon Katoo
Water Nawt
Child Koon
Great Mor |
English. Rooinga.
Sun Bel
Moon Sawn
Stars Tara
Earth Kool
Water Pannae | |
India hátsó udvara
The magnificent Borobudur temple is the world’s biggest Buddhist monument, an ancient site widely considered to be one of the world’s seven wonders. Built in the 9th century during the reign of the Syailendra dynasty, the temple’s design in Gupta architecture reflects India's influence on the region, yet there are enough indigenous scenes and elements incorporated to make Bor.
India és a hátsó udvara közöttKukis
Prior to the advent of the British, the Kukis were in their own right a sovereign nation. Kuki polity, based on chieftainship, functioned with a full complement of governing bodies, such as Semang (Home Minister), Pachong (Defence & External Affairs), Lhangsam (Minister, Public Relations & Broadcasting) Lawm Upa (Minister of Youth, Economic & Cultural Affairs), Thiempu (Priest), Tollai Pao (Law and Order Enforcement Minister). At the national level, this governance is known as the Kuki Inpi. The pattern is replicated at the Lhang (district) and Gamkai (state) level.
Lost in India - Zalen futása..:-)
Zászlajuk közepén egy Dávid-csillag látható.
The Kukis (used in India), also known as the Chin (in Burma) and sometimes as the Zomi, and in the state of Mizoram Mizo are a number of related Tibeto-Burman tribal peoples spread throughout the northeastern states of India, northwestern Burma, and the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. Ha alaposabb vizsgálatnak vetnénk alá a népneveket, elképzelhetően ugyan arra a szótőre bukkannánk minegyik esetben.
Megjött a Sárika. ..mégsem sajtból van a Tál.
VanBik reconstructs *sa-ri as the word for seven in Proto-Kuki-Chin (2009: 184). Mizo (VnB.672) "seven = pá-sá-rih". Nem "bazári, vásári", csak a "hetedik"!
(VnB.1295) moon/Hold - thlá (Mizo) - k'ló (Asho) /claw hasonlóság! Itt a "lélek" és a "sweat" (not sweet?) szó hasonló morfológiailag./
Proto-Kuki-Chin *phr- is the comparison of Mizo thlá ‘wing’ with Kaang phraa ‘wing’ (Khoi 2001: 73, cf. VnB.1309).
Som Bor
It was also known as Isanapura, and was the capital of the Chenla Kingdom. Chinese as Tian Ho Sia Bor (Heavenly Empress). A "bór" a héberben "víztározó, vártorony" jelentésű. The capital of the Sambor Town was positioned in the present Cambodian province of Prey Veng. Egy lófő. Temple called Sambor Prei Kuk (Temple of the Lord) in 650AD. Sambor inscription really is the first known zero.
Foreign people: chuun bor'tay. Poor people : chuun kr'eye kraw. A khmer rizskása (congee) neve "bor bor". Kurdish "bor=horse". Bor: Lojban affix. Haka "cha bor=woman". seow char bor (Hokkien for crazy women). Bahnaric bör=mouth. köt=fasten. rötös= shake from top to bottom. (Hogyan készül a rétes?) The tribes of Tripura refer to their language as "Kok-borok", literally "speech of men". Boro=man. Boro Bada Raja, the Great King Buddha. Boran or boraan means "ancient" in Thai. Kuay: (Kwai in Thai) Kuay Ndroe: located further South in Preah Vihear province, Kuay Ndroe is spoken from Svay Damnak (near the Preah Khan temple) to Veal Veng (in the area of the Sambor Prei Kuk temples).
A Changma nép köréből tartománynevek: Borsegoja, Bor Chege, Bor Khambe, Borbwa, Bor Phaksa. Tah Bor, in Nongkhai Province. Bor'No, which means "Land of Noah", Nigeria.
Vatika is Sanskrit word for temple. Bár a "wat=temple" Angkorban is. Vatikan neve is? Hindu monasteries are also called vatika. This raises the question could the pre-Roman Etruscans have based their religion on Hinduism and learned how to stimulate the third eye through entheogenic plants? Minden indian. Wati means the Garden or Vatika in Devanagari. (Vatika = park.) Vanderer: Vata is one of the three doshas, or humors, in the Ayurvedic humoral theory. The etymological origin of Vata is the Sanskrit word ‘va,’ which means ‘to move.’
Malakula: *inum-inum POC OC to drink (repetitive, frequentative, etc.) - *mama young child’s term for father. *nipon = tooth (Tyskland?). *palos = to perfect, complete something. *punuq= a constellation: the Pleiades.
Pesti István 2015 március