

Címhüség miatt
holdfogyatkozáskor a Föld a Nap és a Hold közé kerül, megakadályozva a Holdat abban, hogy a Nap fényét befogadja. Ennek eredményeként a Hold vöröses árnyalatot vesz fel, ezért kapta a"Vérhold" nevet, köszönhetoen a Föld légkörének, amely csak a vörös és narancssárga fényhullámokat engedi át. Franciaországból és Európából most eloször lehet majd megfigyelni hajnali 3.57-tol, a legszebb látványt március 14-én hajnalban, 6.26 és 7.31 óra között láthatjuk.

Koreai Holdnevek
Aibek (Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Turkish) = “moon master”
Iah (Ancient Egyptian) = "moon". From Egyptian word j?? Jahve?
Jericho (Hebrew, but only used as a name in English) = Might mean “moon” or “fragrant”
Rakesh (Sanskrit and related languages) = "lord of the full moon" (Rokon a Rakusko?)
Tharindu (Sinhala) = "moon"
Tsukuyomi (Japanese) = from tsuku meaning "moon" and yomi meaning "to read".

Here are some female names:
Aiday (Kazakh) = "moon child"
Alcmene (Greek = possibly means “strength of the moon”
Aydan (Turkish) = "from the moon"
Bulan (Indonesian) = Means "moon" (or "month") in Indonesian.
Ilargi (Basque) = "moon" or “moonlight”
Indumathi (Tamil) = “full moon”
Kamaria (Comorian) = “moon” (comes from Arabic Qamar)
Killa (Quechua) = “moon”
Luna (Latin) = “moon”
Selene (Greek) = “moon”

Here are some gender neutral names:
Badr (Arabic) = “full moon”
Chan (Khmer) = "moon"
Chandra (Sanskrit, and languages related to sanskrit) = “moon”
Dawa (Tibetan, Bhutanese) = “moon”
Hilal (Arabic) = "crescent moon" (usually a male name in Arabic and a female name in Turkish)
Ilkay (Turkish) = "new moon"
Jaci (Tupi, a Native American language) ="moon"
Metztli (Nahuatl) = “moon”
Qamar (Arabic) = “moon”

Moon is (van)Dal in Korean. (Népünk a mesterséges történelem minden rosszát magára írta. Imé az isten báránya.)
and ? (Wol) is Chinese pronounced in Korean. (Volaré, oh-oh?) both of them are used in Korea and mean the moon.
Using the name for the Hanja ? is ? ? (dal-wol(are)) in which ? (dal) is the native Korean pronunciation for “moon”, while ? (wol) is the Sino-Korean pronunciation of the character.
Ga-ram is a Korean name that means river. (besenyök?)
Indian moons
Monday is called Somwar in Hindi, and it means the day of the Moon (Som in Hindi means Moon). In simple words, Monday is controlled or governed by the Moon.

Andreas Alföldi interpreted an image on a late Republican coin as the Latin Diana "conceived as a threefold unity of the divine huntress, the Moon goddess and the goddess of the nether world, Hekate".

Santal is most likely derived from an exonym. The term refers to inhabitants of Saont in erstwhile Silda in Medinapore region in West Bengal .
The distance between the moon and the earth is 108 times the diameter of the moon – but only once a month, because according to NASA the moon’s orbit around the Earth is not a perfect circle but more of an ellipse. Similarly, the distance between the earth and the sun is 108 times the diameter of the sun. Earth’s orbit around the Sun is however also an ellipse. And so on September 18-19 the distance of the Sun from Earth is 108 times that of the Sun’s diameter.
Santal tree: The botanic name Santalum is probably derived from the Sanskrit word candráh meaning shining, white, and describes the light colour of the wood.

Az Indus völgyében
For example, the Hindi name Rohan (meaning 'ascending'), which is derived from the ancient language of Sanskrit, or the Urdu name Zara (meaning 'radiance') that is derived from Arabic.” She does also believe that people are now more used to hearing these names, that would never have crossed over to other cultures previously.
Chandra Origin: Hindi | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Shan-drah Meaning: Chandra is the name of the Hindu moon goddess, which gives this name a lovely celestial twist!. (Sator meg a csador.)
Indu Origin: Hindi | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: In-doo Meaning: A really unusual girl's name, Indu means moon. If you're looking for a moon-related name that isn't Luna, this one's for you.

In Sanskrit the word 'maasa' means both , in Tamil 'tingaL' means both month and moon, in Kannada 'tingaLu' has both the meanings, in Telugu 'nela' refers to both month and moon. Kurdish: Az hîv, heyv, mang a "Hold" legjobb fordítása kurd nyelvre.. [crescent moon : heyva dű sę rojęt main.] [full moon : heyva temam.]
Deori - gu-ja. Hmong hli. Samoan masina. (bo-reum-dal) means a full Moon in Korean. Moonlight is called ?? in Korean. In Korean, "ban-dal" means the Half Moon. ‘ban’ means half. In Dazaga, by Abakar Adoum Elhadji : oori. This language is spoken in Chad. (Valaha az amerind "moon=mashkiray" szót magyarból értelmeztem és másik királynak gondoltam. De valószínübb a "holdúr" fordítás.

Garo nép Assam területén, a Garo hegyekben él és sino-tibetan nyelven beszél.
Garo, a common Armenian first name, shortened version of Karapet (Eastern Armenian) / Garabed (Western Armenian). For Eastern Armenian variant of Garo, namely Karo, refer to Karo (name) /wiki/
Kabyl Hold
In Kabyle, by Camilla : ayyur This language is spoken in Kabylia (Algeria). Note : the “yy” is pronounced like “gg”
In Tamahaq, by Ibrahim : ayor. This language is spoken in Algeria, Mali, Niger, Libya and Burkina Faso.
In Wolof, by Cheikh SALL : Weer. This language is spoken in Senegal. (Curtius a föntebbi görög szót a szanszkrit asz-ra-m, asz-an, asz-rg s régi latin assir szókkal rokonítja). The name Assir, meaning "captive" or "bound," might have been given to a child born during a time of captivity or hardship, or it could symbolize a spiritual or moral state. https://biblehub.com/hebrew/617.htm “Ashram” means Selter, in sanksrit. sa-asram=with tears, Antya 1.145. assir, osk. vér, innen assiratum, i, kn. (t. i. vinum), vérbol és borból elegyített ital. (arcanum)

In Hindi, by Mona : Chanda. This language is spoken in India. Note: the final letter “a”, is pronounced ö[?]. Mint pl csendö-r.

Croatian Pun mjesec
Guarani jasy renyh?
Punjabi Chand Mama

Hmong: hli. Tamil: nilavu. Mongolian: sara. Rohingya: san. Old English: móna.

Golenya Ägnes:
Magyar popular sayings very often adress the New Moon az "új király" (New King, young king). The Maori have a similar designation, calling it "Whanau ARIKI", in which name "ariki" means : king, supreme chief and "whanau": to be born.

Cserép József szerint a magyar azt jelenti médul, hogy médiai. Plinius említi, hogy Lybia népeinek és városainak nevei szinte kiejthetetlenek idegen ajkúakra nézve. Ezért találjuk annyiféle írásmódját a magyar és magyarok szónak: Maccyiara és Mazzyiara (Oppert muvében), Matsya, Mauri, Maxyes, Mazara, Makaros, Macareus, mar, mór, mindannyi a gy hangunkkal való küszködésüket mutatja idegen íróknak. Ide tartozik még Maia, Maya, valamint Madeira, Madrid és Marocco neve. A szabad-berber neve ma is mazig, amazig észak Lybia az araboknak Marbig.

Itt a koreai "Hold=Dahl", ani a Hold szavunk hangjainak keveréke.
Kiejtése a Hold neveknek.
Yoruba= oṣupa oṣupa. Igbo= onwa onwa. Kurdish (Kurmanji)= Heyva Heyvę. Tatar= Ай ай. Maltese= qamar qamar. Basque= ilargi ilargia. Malagasy= volana volana.
Half Moon: Danish= halvmĺnen. Dutch= halve maan. German= Halbmond. Icelandic= hálfmáni. Norwegian= Halvmĺne. Romanian. semilună. Swedish= halv mĺne.
Hmong= crescent hli. Sinhala= aḍa san̆da. Tajik= mohi hilol. Turkish= Hilal. Arabic= alhilal. Somali= dayax-qarsoon. Malay= bulan Sabit.
a sinhala "sanda" emlékeztet "szent" szavunkra.

Greenberg: Moon
Penutian, Proto-Maiduan: *pok
Proto-Mxe-Zoque: *poy?a
Macro-Ge, Apinage: putwaru

Kuelap romvárosa Peruban, az Andokban orzi a felhok harcosainak nevezett chachapoya indiánok emlékét, akik félelmetes harcosok hírében álltak. (Ha jött az ellenség, a hegyre menekültek. Persze, ott tiszta volt a levegö.)
A Kaukázustól Peruig
However, as all Peruvian samples included belong to haplogroup Q its node calibration cannot be used directly. For this reason, an outgroup of six individuals from haplogroup R (sub-haplogroups R1a1a, R1a2, R1b11, R1b3, R2a and R2; extracted from [39]) were included in the analysis and the age estimate for a common node P1 was fixed. mtDNA: Roughly 97% of the samples belonged to Native American haplogroups A2, B2, C1 and D (Table 1). The non-Native American hap- logroups H and U were only observed in the Chachapoyas set with a frequency of 4.9%. Magyar mtDNA 14% U és 36% H.
Gene Savoy, az 1957-ben alapított Andok Felfedezoi Alapítvány egykori vezetoje szerint a chachapoya-i emberek nagytestuek és fehérboruek voltak, elsosorban a nehezen megközelítheto hegygerinceken éltek, és félelmetes harcosok hírében álltak. A meredek sziklafalak oldalába illetve a dzsungelszeru erdokkel borított hegycsúcsokra épített hatalmas kör alakú koházaik környékén igen sok mumifikált holttestre is rátaláltak a régészek.
Penutian, California: *kolme
Macro-Panoan, Ashluslay: huela
Macro-Ge, Otuke: ari

Yarikh (Ugaritic yrh) = Moon , Yarahum
Aramaic: Saharah = Moon
Arab: sahr, Qamar. Újhold=Mohak. Félhold= Helal motazaid. Full Moon= Badr. Hilaal= a hónap 7. napja.
Hebrew: lebana, yareah =Moon. Heyläl = Half Moon

The Vergina sun is a sixteen-pointed star that was used as a royal sign by the ancient Macedonians. It was also known as the star of Alexander or the Argead star.

Bosnian puni mjesec. Catalan  lluna plena. Greek Pansélinos. Serbian pun mesec. Tatar Tulü aj. Hmong puv hli .
Kazakh tolğan ay. Kyrgyz tolgon ay. Turkish Dolunay. Uzbek to'linoy. Vietnamese trăng trňn. Armenian lialusin.
Chichewa mwezi wathunthu. Hausa cikakken wata.
A török "telehold" (Dolunay, tolinoy) hasonlít Tolna megye nevére. A tihanyi alapító levélböl viszont a megye eredeti neve "The lena". A hátoldalán: "In terrytorio Tolleni est villa Fotody". Latin "telona=vám".

Hindi: tārā. Spanish: la estrella. Japanese: hoshi. Italian: la stella. Oromo: urjii.

Hold: English. Moon. Hindi. Chandramaa, Vidhu, Himanshu, Som, Sudhanshu, Chandra, Rakesh etc. Holdfolyónak nevezhetjük a Nílust, mert a NIL és a HAPI is hold jelentésü (Tamil nila). Ancient greek: fengari = Holdfény.

Hold linkek:

A Hold a nyelvekben
Családi kör
A család
A Hold a nevekben
A másik oldal
A félhold árnyékában

Pesti István 2025 február
